- Introduction
- Understanding Forms
- Creating a Form
- Inserting Form Objects
- Modifying Text Fields and Text Areas
- Modifying Radio Buttons and Check Boxes
- Modifying Lists and Menus
- Modifying Buttons
- Inserting an Image Button
- Making Form Objects Dynamic
- Using Tables to Control Forms
- Validating Forms
- Creating and Editing a Jump Menu
- Viewing Example Code for Forms
This chapter is from the book
Inserting an Image Button
Instead of using one of the built-in buttons provided by Dreamweaver, you can insert an image and use it as a button. This allows you to create a custom look for your form, yet still provide the functionality you want. After you insert an Image button, you can use the Properties panel to set or change options for the form object.
Insert an Image Button
Create a new HTML document, or open an existing page.
Click to place the insertion point where you want to insert an image button.
Insert the image using one of the following options:
- Click the Forms tab on the Insert panel, and then click the Image Field button.
- Click the Insert menu, point to Form, and then click Image Field.
Locate and select the image you want to use as a button.
Click OK.
In the Properties panel, select from the following options:
- Image Field. Enter a unique name for the image.
- Src. Enter the path and name for the image or click the Browse For File button to select the image file.
- Alt. Enter a description of the image.
- Align. Click to select an alignment option.
- Edit Image. Click to edit the image in your default editor.
- Class. Click to apply CSS rules to the object directly or through a CSS Style Sheet.