- Why Warfighting?
- About the Marines
- Communication Is a Leadership Discipline
- How This Book Came About
- About This Book
Communication Is a Leadership Discipline
Whatever else leadership may be, it is experienced publicly. While it may emanate from within, it is a public phenomenon. A leader is judged based on three fundamental public leadership attributes:
- The leader’s bearing: how the leader carries himself or herself
- The words the leader uses to engage others
- The manner in which the leader engages others
These are elements of communication. And they apply well beyond the armed services.
And as a leadership discipline, communication benefits from the structures, concepts, and principles of effective leadership in other fields.
The Marines continue to enjoy a reputation as the nation’s elite fighting force. It is no surprise to me that they live up to their slogan: The Few. The Proud. They make reputation a priority, both in what they do and in what they say.
The elements that make a good Marine also make a good communicator.