Posting to Your Channel's Feed
All channel pages now display a Feed tab that displays all activity from you in your channel. This tab can also be used to display messages to your channel visitors.
To post to your YouTube feed, simply navigate to your channel page and select the Feed tab. Enter a message into the Post to Feed box; then press the Enter button.
Figure 9 Posting to your channel feed
You can choose what gets displayed in your feedyour comments only or all channel activity (including channels you subscribe to, videos you favorite, and such). Click the View button and make your choice.
You can also choose whether or not to allow visitors to make comments on your channel page. Click the Settings button and select from the following:
- Allow Channel Comments: Displays all viewer comments with no moderation
- Allow Channel Comments But Don't Display Until Approved: Enables comment moderationyou have to approve all comments before they go public
- Disable Channel Comments: Blocks all comments
Figure 10 Configuring comment options
I happen to be a big fan of viewer comments; they're a great source of useful feedback. That said, I understand that not all companies are so enamored of this feedback, especially when it can contain negative comments.
If this describes your company culture, you might want to enable comment moderationbut then make sure you devote the resources to monitor all comments as they're posted. Otherwise, just disable comments and save yourself the grief.