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Sample Programs
I think that the programs written in Ruby will demonstrate its benefits most clearly. The following are small sample programs:
# tiny "cat" while line = gets() print line end # print "From " line from stdin STDIN.each{|line| print line if /^From / =~ line} # rename filenames specified in args into lowercase names ARGV.each{|path| File.rename(path, path.downcase)} # Ruby/Tk require 'tk', 'text'=>'hello', 'command'=>'exit').pack Tk.mainloop # socket example - httpget # usage: ruby httpget.rb http://host/path require 'socket' host = "localhost" # default values port = 80 path = "/" # process URL (%r!..! means regular expression) if %r!http://(.*?)(?::(\d+))?(/.*)! =~ ARGV[0] host = $1 port = Integer($2) if $2 path = $3 end s = TCPsocket::open(host, port) # send out HTTP header s.print "GET #{path} HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n" print