The high-resolution screen of the EVO 3D, along with its video cameras, makes it great for viewing and sharing videos online, anywhere and anytime. The preinstalled YouTube widget gives you the ability to browse and view videos posted by users from around the world, as well as upload videos taken with your EVO 3D, as soon as you take them.
YouTube Main Screen
Tap Apps icon on the Home screen.
Scroll to the last page of the Apps menu and then select YouTube.
If the Mobile Terms of Service appear, tap Accept.
Tap to play a video.
- Tap to perform a search for a video.
- Tap to launch the camcorder and then upload your video to YouTube. The upload process is streamlined when you access the camcorder from here. You must create a YouTube account before you can upload a video.
Playing a Video
While you play a YouTube video, you can rate the video, read comments left by other YouTube members, save a video to your phone, store it in your favorites, share it with others, and more. A variety of YouTube controls are shown, depending on in which orientation you hold your EVO. In the Landscape orientation, you have more screen real estate in which to view videos. Many more controls are shown when you hold your phone in portrait orientation than in the landscape orientation.
Tap a video to play it.
Tap within the video to pause playback.
- Tap the Thumbs-up icon to say you like the video. You can see on the Info tab how many people like and dislike the current video.
- Tap the Thumbs-down icon to say you dislike the video.
- Tap More to review more options.
Tap Flag to send a message to YouTube concerning a video that displays content that is not in adherence to YouTube’s Terms of Service agreement. You must be logged into your YouTube account to flag a video.
- Tap to save the current video to your phone. You must be logged into your YouTube account.
- Tap to save the video to your favorites. You must be logged into your YouTube account.
Tap to share the video with someone else via Bluetooth Friend Stream, Gmail, Mail, Messages, and Peep.
- Tap to copy the URL for the video so that you can embed it into another site or to paste it somewhere else.
- Tap to review a list of videos with similar content to the one you are currently viewing.
- Tap to read comments left by other YouTube members.
Filtering Videos
When you first launch YouTube, you are presented with a Featured list of videos. You can further filter the vast library of YouTube videos and browse by category.
Press the Menu button and then tap Browse. The Browse option is available when you press the Menu button from the Home screen and while you are playing a video.
Scroll and tap the category you want to browse.
Tap to review a list of the top rated videos on YouTube for this week.
- Tap to review a list of the videos that received the most comments on YouTube for this week.
- Slide the tabs section from right to left.
Tap to review a list of the top favorited videos for this week.
- Tap to filter categories to display videos older than This Week, including This Month and All Time. When you change this setting, all YouTube screens are affected.
Changing YouTube Settings
If you want to further customize your YouTube experience on your EVO 3D, you can change the default video playback quality, caption font size, clear your search history, and use SafeSearch filtering from within the General Settings.
Press the Menu button and then tap Settings.
Tap to turn on and off the Start High Quality Video setting for times you are connected to a mobile network.
- Tap to select a larger or smaller caption font sizes for YouTube videos.
- Tap to clear your YouTube search history.
- The YouTube app can be set to block videos containing restricted content from appearing within search results. By default, filtering is set to Moderate. Tap to turn off SafeSearch or set a Strict filter setting.