- On the Bleeding Edge with KDE2
- Getting KDE2
- Done Downloading--Now What?
- But I Downloaded Binaries!
- But I Downloaded Source Code!
- Get Me Outta Here!
But I Downloaded Binaries!
What happens now depends on what form of KDE2 you have on your drive, one that's awaiting installation or compilation and installation. If you have the RPM packages, they will install into /opt/KDE2, which is fine with Caldera Open Linux because the /opt symbolic link will redirect them to /usr/opt/KDE2. The binary tarballs will also go to (or create, depending on where you unpack themunless you want an /opt in your home directory, do them from the top-level directory) /opt/KDE2.
To install the RPMS, go to a terminal screen or window, use the su root command, change to the directory containing the RPM packages, and do the following:
rpm -i --nodeps [packagename]
Do this for each of the packages, including qt-copy (which goes to /usr/lib/qt-copy). If you use the --nodeps switch, you won't have to worry about the order in which you install them. If you have the binary tarballs, copy them to / and do this:
tar xvfz [packagename]
Again, do this for each package. The KDE2 packages will go into /opt (or /usr/opt, in the case of Caldera Open Linux), while qt-copy will go to /usr/lib/qt-copy.