- The App Store
- Updating an App
- Deleting an App
- Searching the App Store
- Redeeming an App Code
- Creating Folders for Apps
- Summary
Searching the App Store
You can download apps based on reviews you read in magazines or on blogs. In these instances, you know exactly what you’re looking for and, after opening up the App Store app, you can simply type the name of the app in the Search bar indicated in Figure 7.16.
Figure 7.16. Use the Search bar to find exact app names.
As you type, possible matches display in a drop-down box (refer to Figure 7.16). Tap one of the search results if you think it is a match. Alternatively, you can hit the Search button on the on-screen keyboard to get a complete list of matches as shown in Figure 7.17.
Figure 7.17. Possible matches to the search are listed.
At this point, you can click an app’s Free or price buttons to download and install it (if you see the one you want), or you can tap an app’s icon to read more details on its information page.
It really helps to either have an app’s full name or at least know its category. Without that kind of information, you are forced to do the needle-in-haystack search that can really take some time given that the App Store currently has more than 425,000 apps available. (Check out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/App_Store_(iOS) to see how many more apps might be available at the time you read this book.)
When searching for a specific app, I prefer to select a category first (tap the Categories button shown in Figure 7.5) and then use the search bar to try to narrow down my search using keywords. For example, the Astronomy category is shown in Figure 7.18.
Figure 7.18. Searching a category within the App Store app.
Any keywords you enter into the search bar while viewing a category return only the results found inside that category. As you can see in Figure 7.19, a search for “writing” while browsing the Education category returned some educational apps that teach writing skills.
Figure 7.19. Search results are applied within a category.
Notice also in Figure 7.19 that there are even more powerful search tools available along the top, including the ability to change the category, specify a minimum rating or price (free or paid), and more.