- What Is a Drug?
- Why People Take Drugs
- The Drug Experience
- Drug Use Is Costly in Many Ways
- Other Addictions
- Questions to Be Answered
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This chapter is from the book
Questions to Be Answered
This book addresses many questions about drugs and the brain, including:
- Why is it said that addiction is a brain disorder rather than perhaps a moral failing?
- What happens in the brain of someone who uses drugs repeatedly?
- Can better medications for addicted individuals be expected in the future?
- Why is drug abuse chronic and relapsing, which is part of the essence of this disorder?
- Why are drugs so powerful that they can gain control of our behaviors, but we can't give up responsibility for our actions?
- Will I become drug dependent?
- Are there differences among, men, women, adolescents, and older adults in how they respond to and experience drugs?
- Can one recover from drug addiction and be cured?
- The stigma of being a drug abuser is a problem in that it often prevents searching for treatment or dealing with the problem openly.
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