Create a Personalized Reading List
As you explore the Internet, you'll occasionally discover web pages and articles (such as this one) that you'll want to refer back to later. Instead of creating a separate Bookmark for the web page, you have the option to add any web page to your Reading List. To do this, tap on the Share icon, and then tap on the Add To Reading List option.
Once a web page is added to your Reading List, you can refer back to it at any time by tapping on the Bookmarks icon within Safari (it looks like an open book), and selecting the Reading List option. Your Reading List will separate all web pages saved within it, and categorize each as either Read or Unread. When the Reading List window is displayed, tap on the All or Unread tabs to sort the saved web pages and articles.
From the Reading List window, tap on a listing to launch that web page and re-read the article or view the website. Or, while viewing the listings, swipe your finger from left to right across the listing to delete it. Tap on the red-and-white Delete icon to confirm your deletion decision.
If you opt to synchronize your Safari-related bookmarks via iTunes Sync, Wireless iTunes Sync, or iCloud, you can also have your Reading List synchronize with your computer's web browser and Safari that's running on your other iOS devices.