Promoting Your Facebook Page
Email Signature
Adjust your email signature to include your Facebook Page, as shown in Figure 3.16. This is among the simplest tweaks you can make and will reach a lot of people, especially if you’re someone that sends a lot of emails.
Figure 3.16 Promoting your Facebook Page in your email signature. There are also services like WiseStamp that add a Facebook logo and hyperlink as well.
Begin promoting your Facebook Page on Twitter. Don’t spam your Twitter followers but occasionally let them know, maybe a few times per week, that they can also connect with you on your Facebook Page can help to drive more attention to it. Also, if they enjoy connecting more on Facebook than on Twitter, you will more likely have better, more in-depth conversations with them over on your Page. You should also encourage any other employees or members of your team who also have Twitter accounts to begin promoting that you now have a Facebook Page. This is where having an easy-to-remember URL can is very handy.
Figure 3.17 A search showing how a number of businesses are promoting their Facebook Pages on Twitter.
Remember the six steps from figure 3.4? Make sure you do all of those first. Similar to promoting via Twitter, you, your team, and your staff should use the Share feature on Facebook to occasionally share the Facebook Page into their news stream. This is easy to do but be careful not to do it too often. It is a source of annoyance to many users on Facebook because people “pimp” their Facebook Page a little too often. If you don’t interact on your personal Wall often, you shouldn’t share your Facebook Page onto your wall that much. The last thing you want is for your Wall to be consumed only with you “pimping” your Facebook Page.
Email Marketing
If your company sends out email marketing such as newsletters, company updates, or anything like that, you should have a call-to-action in every email campaign that encourages people to interact with you on your Facebook Page. When you first launch your Page, you might include an article in your newsletter about it and encourage people to fan you. After that, you should have that information in a static sidebar or in the signature section of your email creatives (see Figure 3.18).
Figure 3.18 An example of incorporating a Connect with Us section of your email newsletter in which you encourage your subscribers to connect with you via your Facebook Page (and other social networks).
Company Website
Similar to your email marketing, you should show off the various social networks that you’re active in, including your Facebook Page. You can do this by creating a separate tab and/or a sidebar widget on all the pages of your website where visitors can link out to (see Figure 3.19).
Alternatively, if you want to call out your Facebook Page a little more, you can add a Fan Box to your website. The Fan Box can allow people to fan your Facebook Page directly from your website or blog, see the other people that are fans of your Facebook Page, and interact with the Page (see Figure 3.20).
Figure 3.19 Another easy way to encourage people to connect with you via your Facebook Page is to add linked social icons to your website. SEOmoz puts their social icons right next to the cartoon bot character they’ve made part of their branding, saying “Be My Buddy”, thereby personalizing the brand.
Figure 3.20 Coca-Cola visibly promotes its Facebook Page by integrating the Fan Box into its website.
Facebook Ads
You can run targeted Facebook ads that appear in the right sidebar area of users’ Facebook accounts with a message to encourage them to fan your Page. We discuss Facebooks Ads in greater detail in Chapter 5, “Facebook Advertising: How and Why You Should Be Using It.” But, suffice it to say that running a Facebook Ad as promotion of your Page is a cheap method to get your Page in front of a targeted group of Facebook users, as shown in Figure 3.21.
Figure 3.21 Promote your Facebook Page by creating a targeted ad using the Facebook Ads system.
Google AdWords
Similar to running a Facebook Ad, if you want to spend some money on attracting Facebook Page. You might offer some type of special reward, contest, or something else to grab the person’s attention. We haven’t seen AdWords used often to promote Facebook Pages, and it doesn’t make much sense when Facebook ad click costs are usually four times cheaper than AdWords clicks. Therefore, this option is not recommended.
Other Facebook Page Promotion Ideas
You can promote your Facebook Page in many other ways. You can also promote via commercials, radio spots, newspaper or magazine ads, or a number of other traditional forms of advertising. It all depends on what your company is already doing for advertising, marketing, and engagement with your prospects and customers. At the end of the day, simply try to integrate the promotion of your Facebook Page wherever it makes sense within your advertising and marketing plans, in much the same manner you would as your website or other contact information. Some people laugh at grocery stores putting Facebook icons in one of their circulars – there’s no way to click on it and no URL – but it’s still a great way of letting people know your company is up to date, and some people will go home and search Facebook for you.