Volatile Usage
JSR-133, which was introduced in Java 5, addressed many issues in the Java Memory Model. This is well documented at http://jcp.org/jsr/detail?id=133 by the JSR-133 Expert Group with further material at http://www.cs.umd.edu/~pugh/java/memoryModel/ maintained by Dr. Bill Pugh. One of the issues addressed with JSR-133 is the use of the Java keyword volatile. Fields in Java objects that are declared as volatile are usually used to communicate state information among threads. The inclusion of JSR-133 into Java 5 and later Java revisions, ensures that a thread that reads a volatile field in an object is guaranteed to have the value that was last written to that volatile field, regardless of the thread that is doing read or write, or the location of where those two threads are executing, that is, different CPU sockets, or CPU cores. The use of a volatile field does limit optimizations a modern JVM's JIT compiler can perform on such a field. For example, a volatile field must adhere to certain instruction ordering. In short, a volatile field's value must be kept in sync across all application threads and CPU caches. For instance, when a volatile field's value is changed by one thread, whose field might be sitting in a CPU cache, any other thread that might have a copy of that volatile field in its CPU cache, a different CPU cache than the other thread that performed the change, must have its CPU cache updated before its thread reads that volatile field found in its local CPU cache, or it must be instructed to retrieve the updated volatile field's value from memory. To ensure CPU caches are updated, that is, kept in sync, in the presence of volatile fields, a CPU instruction, a memory barrier, often called a membar or fence, is emitted to update CPU caches with a change in a volatile field's value.
In a highly performance sensitive application having multiple CPU caches, frequent updates to volatile fields can be a performance issue. However, in practice, few Java applications rely on frequent updates to volatile fields. But there are always exceptions to the rule. If you keep in mind that frequent updates, changes, or writes to a volatile field have the potential to be a performance issue (i.e., reads of a volatile field are okay, not a cause for performance concern), you will likely not experience performance issues when using volatile fields.
A profiler, such as the Performance Analyzer, that has the capability to gather CPU cache misses and associate them to Java object field access can help isolate whether the use of a volatile field is a performance issue. If you observe a high number of CPU cache misses on a volatile field and the source code suggests frequent writes to that volatile field, you have an application that is experiencing performance issues as a result of its usage of volatile. The solution to such a situation is to identify ways in which less frequent writes are performed to the volatile field, or refactor the application in a way to avoid the use of the volatile field. Never remove the use of a volatile field if it breaks program correctness or introduces a potential race condition. It is much better to have an underperforming application than it is to have an incorrect implementation, or one that has the potential for a race condition.