If you made it through, great work—you've gotten a simple Cocos2D game working, and you've learned a lot in the process! You learned about texture atlases, actions, and animations. You utilized the texture atlas you created in the previous chapter to render all of the GameObjects in Space Viking. You created the enemy RadarDish and gave Ole the power to go over there and destroy it to bits. In the process you learned how to implement a simple state machine brain (AI) for the RadarDish and for the Viking. You have also set up the groundwork for Space Viking to have multiple enemies onscreen at once, each with its own AI state machines. The CCArray of objects you pass in GameplayLayer to each character on the updateStateWithDeltaTime call will allow for the enemy objects to send messages to each other and even coordinate attacks against the Viking.
Since you just wrote so much code, you might want to take a few moments to examine the code in more detail and make sure you understand how it all fits together. It's important to make sure you understand how things work so far, since you'll be building more on top of what you've built here in the rest of the chapters.
In the next chapter, you will dive deeper into Cocos2D actions, learn to use some of the built-in effects, and add more enemies to Space Viking. When you are ready, turn the page and learn how to add a mean alien robot that shoots phaser beams.