1. All in One SEO Pack
All in One SEO Pack (http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/all-in-one-seo-pack/) offers a powerful array of search engine optimization features for your blog. This plugin enables you to control what displays in search engine results and helps improve your blog's search engine rankings.
With All in One SEO Pack, you can specify the title, description, and keywords for your home page as well as for each individual blog post and page. It also offers many advanced features, but you can keep the default settings if you don't have extensive SEO experience.
Figure 2, for example, shows sample SEO entries for a single blog post.
Figure 2 Specify the title, description, and keywords you want to display for a single blog post.
The information you enter here displays in search engine results (see Figure 3).
Figure 3 Control what displays in search engine results.