9. WPtouch
WPtouch (http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wptouch) is a mobile plugin that helps attract and retain readers who view your blog from a mobile device. WPtouch automatically switches to an iPhone-style theme when it detects a mobile user. WPtouch displays this mobile theme for the iPhone, iPod touch, Android, Palm Pre, Samsung touch devices, and BlackBerry Storm and Torch mobile devices. Figure 12 shows a sample blog as it displays on an iPhone.
Figure 12 Make it easy for readers on the go to view your blog.
For even more functionality, consider upgrading to the premium version of WPtouch Pro (http://www.bravenewcode.com/store/plugins/wptouch-pro). This version includes more than 200 additional features, such as iPad support, and is priced at $39 for one WordPress site.