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Review Questions
'This ECDL Foundation approved courseware product incorporates learning reinforcement exercises. These exercises are included to assist the candidate in their training for the ICDL. The exercises included in this courseware product are not ICDL certification tests and should not be construed in any way as ICDL certification tests. For information about Authorized ICDL Test Centers in different National Territories please refer to the ECDL Foundation website at http://www.ecdl.com'
The European Computer Driving Licence Foundation Ltd.
Question 1
Which of the following is the safest and most efficient way to react to a nonresponding program?
Turn off the computer by flipping the CPU's on/off switch.
Unplug the CPU at the electrical source.
Press Ctrl+Alt+Del, and choose Restart from the Shut Down menu.
Click the Start button on the taskbar and choose Turn Off Computer.
Answer C is correct. This particular keystroke combination will restart your computer and clear the internal error that's causing the problem. Answers A and B are incorrect and could result in serious harm to your data and any open software applications. Answer D is incorrect because you won't be able to access the Start button.
Question 2
Which of the following removable storage media must you prepare by formatting before you can use them?
Floppy diskette
Internal hard drive
Zip disk
Answers B and D are correct. You must format a floppy or Zip disk before you can store data on them. Answers A and C are wrong. A CD-ROM needs no preparation and you should probably never format your internal hard drive yourself. Hard drives must be formatted initially but after that, you don't need to format it again. Occasionally when things go wrong, reformatting a hard drive is necessary, but it's best to leave that task to the experts.
Question 3
Which of the following are legitimate window operations?
Moving it
Opening it
Resizing it
Deleting it
Closing it
Answers A, B, C, and E are correct. You can manipulate a window by opening, closing, resizing, or moving it. Answer D is incorrect because you can't actually delete a window although you can close it when you're done.
Question 4
Which of the following are legitimate elements in a window?
Title bar
Status bar
Shortcut icon
Answers A, B, and C are all correct. Neither a shortcut icon nor a file is a window element.
Question 5
Match the following extensions to their corresponding file types:
A spreadsheet file
A special temporary file created by the system
A word processing file
A database file
An image file
The correct matches are A to 3, B to 1, C to 2, D to 5, and E to 4.
Question 6
Why might you want to create a copy, known as a backup, of your work?
In case the computer's hard drive is corrupted or the system is incapacitated by theft, damage, or virus
In case the original file is accidentally deleted
To protect your system from a virus
For reverse-engineering purposes
To audit your work for the purposes of quality control
Answers A and B are correct. Backups are created to protect your work in case of equipment or file failure. C is incorrect because creating a backup will not protect your system from a virus, although having a noninfected backup would be helpful in the event of attack. Answers D and E have nothing to do with creating a backup.
Question 7
Which sequence of events would you use to add a folder to your hard drive?
Open the Control Panel window and select Add New Folder.
Launch the Windows Explorer, choose New from the File menu, and then select the location for the new subfolder.
Launch the Windows Explorer, locate the file to which you want to add the new subfolder, and choose New from the File menu.
Launch the Windows Explorer, locate the drive and folder to which you're adding the new subfolder, and then choose New from the File menu.
Answer D is correct. Answer A is incorrect because no such command exists in the Control Panel window. Answer B is incorrect because you must select the folder to which you're adding the subfolder before executing the New command. Answer C is incorrect because you can't add a folder or subfolder to a file.
Question 8
Where will you find the Windows Help and Support feature?
In the Control Panel window
On any menu
On the desktop
On the Start menu
Answers A and D are correct. Although many menus sport a Help menu, it is application-specific and isn't connected with the Windows Help feature. Although you could add a shortcut icon to the desktop that launches the Help and Support, there isn't one by default.
Question 9
Which sequence of events would successfully add a shortcut icon to the desktop?
In the Windows Explorer, choose File, Create New Shortcut.
Right-click the Explorer window and choose Create New Shortcut.
In the Windows Explorer, right-click the file to which you want to create a shortcut. Then, right-click the new shortcut file in the same folder, select Send to, and then choose Desktop (Create Shortcut).
In the Windows Explorer, select the file you want to create a shortcut to and then click the Shortcut icon on the toolbar.
Answer C is correct. Answer A is incorrect because you must select the file you're creating the shortcut for first. Answer B is incorrect for the same reason. Answer D is incorrect because there is no Shortcut icon on the Explorer toolbar.
Question 10
Why might you compress a folder or file?
To save space on the storage medium
To improve overall performance
To repair the folder or file
To reduce the size of the file or folder
Answers A, B, and D are correct. Answer C is incorrect because the compression process will not repair any corruption problems the file might have.