- Introduction to UNIX Users and Groups
- The Users and Groups Module
- Creating a New User
- Editing an Existing User
- Deleting a User
- Creating a New Group
- Editing an Existing Group
- Deleting a Group
- Viewing Recent and Current Logins
- Reading Users' Email
- Creating Users from Batch Files
- Configuring the Users and Groups Module
- Before and After Commands
- Module Access Control
- Other Operating Systems
- Summary
4.7 Editing an Existing Group
You do not often need to edit an existing group, as users can be added to or removed from it by editing them directly. However, if you do want to edit a group, follow these steps:
Click on the name of the group that you want to edit from the list of existing groups. This will bring up the group editing form, as shown in Figure 4.7.
Figure 4.7. The group editing form.
Change any of the details such as the group ID or member list. It is not possible to change the name of an existing group.
If you are changing the group ID, files owned by the group may need to be updated to use the new ID. Use the Change group ID on files? option to control which directories will be searched for files that need updating.
Click on the Save button to make the changes active. Once they are complete, you will be returned to the lists of users and groups.