- Introduction to UNIX Users and Groups
- The Users and Groups Module
- Creating a New User
- Editing an Existing User
- Deleting a User
- Creating a New Group
- Editing an Existing Group
- Deleting a Group
- Viewing Recent and Current Logins
- Reading Users' Email
- Creating Users from Batch Files
- Configuring the Users and Groups Module
- Before and After Commands
- Module Access Control
- Other Operating Systems
- Summary
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This chapter is from the book
4.16 Summary
This chapter has explained how to create and manage users and groups on a UNIX system. Because they are used to enforce file security, to protect processes from each other, and as mailboxes, user management is one of the most important tasks on a multi-user server system. This means that the module covered in this chapter is one of the most commonly used in Webmin, and also one of the most powerful.
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