- Understanding RTTTL
- Creating a Melody in RTTTL
- Reviewing Beethoven's Fifth
- Creating Dotted Rhythms
- Making a Custom Ring Tone
- Conclusion
Creating Dotted Rhythms
RTTTL allows you to create notes with a dotted duration. Musically, a dotted duration is one in which a note is given the duration of "itself plus half." For example, a dotted quarter note has a value of a quarter note plus an eighth note. A dotted eighth note has a duration value of an eighth note plus a sixteenth note. This concept is illustrated in Figure 15.
Figure 15 Dotting a note increases the note's length by half.
You dot a note by adding the period (.) character to the end of a duration-pitch-octave grouping. For example, if you want to dot a quarter note with a pitch of C in the fifth register, you write this:
Thus, the rhythm shown in Figure 16 translates into this RTTTL string:
Figure 16 A musical phrase that uses a dotted quarter note.