Third-Party Foursquare Apps
Like many other web-based applications today, Foursquare offers programmers an API they can use to develop their own apps for Foursquare. Third-party developers have made apps for Palm devices, new games based on Foursquare, and apps specifically for the iPad (but not an official iPad app). There's even an app to help you avoid your ex while you're out on the town. Like all other applications built by fans, some of the ones for Foursquare are good, and some aren't. The important thing to understand is that some of the apps are there to support other devices (such as Palm devices), while others are there to extend Foursquare to do more interesting things.
One of the growing areas of focus is expanding Foursquare's game aspect. Maybe you'd be interested in an app that would let you check into a location with a special "scavenger hunt" app for other prizes. How about a self-guided tour app that would allow you check into the stops along the way and then to get an audio program about the location? Such apps are possible. Hmm, maybe I should start working on my own app for coffee places of Vancouver....