Typing and Swyping
The size of the Galaxy Tab eliminates the possibility of a real keyboard, but the Android operating system provides an onscreen keyboard that is amazingly easy to use. Clicking a key gives a subtle clicking noise (that can be disabled), and the keys are large enough that mistakes are rare.
While the onscreen keyboard is useful, the Tab comes with a built-in feature called Swype that you might also like. Rather than lifting your finger from the keyboard to click on other letters when spelling a word, you leave your finger on the keypad and simply drag it to the next letter.
There are even Swype shortcuts such as circling a letter to capitalize it. It takes some training and practice to use (I'm not very good at it yet), but I've been told by other Android users (Android can be found on many mobile phones) that it's the only way to type onscreen. Figure 2 shows Swype in action.