5.5 Conclusion
Clearly, component technology can be a cost-effective way of constructing systems. Reuse of components can have a significant impact on your productivity, but you may encounter resistance as you put into place CBSE processes. Developing a business case may be the only way to convince skeptics in your organization. When generating a business case for component-based development and component-based software engineering, be sure to select the appropriate model based on your organizational readiness and business goals. Choosing the appropriate consulting organization can be unduly difficult. Once selected, ensure that the consultant does not sell you a package of component services developed solely by the consultant. The field is too immature to bet on any one approach to component development.
Using three levels of models provides you with an incremental approach to building your business case. Use the right business case to help you incrementally deploy component technology within your enterprise. Your success at simpler levels will lay the foundation for future success and justification.