- Scheduling
- Memory Management
- Synchronization
- Asynchronous Event Handling
- Asynchronous Transfer of Control
- Asynchronous Thread Termination
- Physical Memory Access
- Exceptions
- Minimum Implementations of the RTSJ
- Optionally Required Components
- Documentation Requirements
- Parameter Objects
- Java Platform Dependencies
Asynchronous Transfer of Control
Many times a real-time programmer is faced with a situation where the computational cost of an algorithm is highly variable, the algorithm is iterative, and the algorithm produces successively refined results during each iteration. If the system, before commencing the computation, can determine only a time bound on how long to execute the computation (i.e., the cost of each iteration is highly variable and the minimum required latency to terminate the computation and receive the last consistent result is much less than about half of the mean iteration cost), then asynchronously transferring control from the computation to the result transmission code at the expiration of the known time bound is a convenient programming style. The RTSJ supports this and other styles of programming where such transfer is convenient with a feature termed Asynchronous Transfer of Control (ATC).
The RTSJ's approach to ATC is based on several guiding principles, outlined in the following lists.
Methodological Principles
A thread needs to explicitly indicate its susceptibility to ATC. Since legacy code or library methods might have been written assuming no ATC, by default ATC should be turned off (more precisely, it should be deferred as long as control is in such code).
Even if a thread allows ATC, some code sections need to be executed to completion and thus ATC is deferred in such sections. The ATC-deferred sections are synchronized methods and statements.
Code that responds to an ATC does not return to the point in the thread where the ATC was triggered; that is, an ATC is an unconditional transfer of control. Resumptive semantics, which returns control from the handler to the point of interruption, are not needed since they can be achieved through other mechanisms (in particular, an AsyncEventHandler).
Expressibility Principles
A mechanism is needed through which an ATC can be explicitly triggered in a target thread. This triggering may be direct (from a source thread) or indirect (through an asynchronous event handler).
It must be possible to trigger an ATC based on any asynchronous event including an external happening or an explicit event firing from another thread. In particular, it must be possible to base an ATC on a timer going off.
Through ATC it must be possible to abort a thread but in a manner that does not carry the dangers of the Thread class's stop() and destroy() methods.
Semantic Principles
If ATC is modeled by exception handling, there must be some way to ensure that an asynchronous exception is only caught by the intended handler and not, for example, by an all-purpose handler that happens to be on the propagation path.
Nested ATCs must work properly. For example, consider two, nested ATC-based timers and assume that the outer timer has a shorter timeout than the nested, inner timer. If the outer timer times out while control is in the nested code of the inner timer, then the nested code must be aborted (as soon as it is outside an ATC-deferred section), and control must then transfer to the appropriate catch clause for the outer timer. An implementation that either handles the outer timeout in the nested code, or that waits for the longer (nested) timer, is incorrect.
Pragmatic Principles
There should be straightforward idioms for common cases such as timer handlers and thread termination.
ATC must be implemented without inducing an overhead for programs that do not use it.
If code with a timeout completes before the timeout's deadline, the timeout needs to be automatically stopped and its resources returned to the system.