- The ADO/OLE DB Conspiracy
- What Does ADO 2.5 Have to Do with Exchange 2000?
- The Role of the Web Storage System
- The Exchange OLE DB Provider
- File URLs
- Programmatically Getting a User's HTTP Mailbox Folder URLs
- The Open Method of the ADO 2.5 Record Object
- Using Web Storage System SQL to Get a List of Folders
- Web Storage System SQL
- The SELECT Statement
- The ORDER BY Clause
- The RANK BY Clause
- Some Unsupported SQL
- Summary
The ORDER BY Clause
The ORDER BY clause sorts the returned Recordset in ascending or descending order according to one or more of the properties specified. The basic syntax is
ORDER BY "<property name>" [, "<some more property names>"] [ASC or DESC]For example,
SELECT "DAV:href", "urn:schemas:contacts:fileas", _ "urn:schemas:contacts:email1", _ "urn:schemas:contacts:st" FROM "file://./backofficestorage/GomezaMobile.local/MBX/Administrator/ Contacts" ORDER BY "urn:schemas:contacts:st" ASC