- Welcome to Drag and Drop
- Getting to Know the Drag-and-Drop API
- Starting the Drag-and-Drop Example
- Styling the Draggable and Target Elements
- Starting the Drag Operation
- Allowing Dragged Objects to Enter the Targets
- Allowing Dragged Objects to Be Dropped on Certain Targets
- Handling Drop Events
- Ending Drop Operations
- The draganddrop.html Example Code
This chapter is from the book
Allowing Dragged Objects to Enter the Targets
When the user drags a draggable <div> element to a target <div> element, the target <div> element's ondragEnter event occurs. We've tied that event to a JavaScript function named enter(), and in that function, we want to indicate that draggable objects are allowed to enter the target by returning a value of true from the enter() function.
To do that, follow these steps:
- Open draganddrop.html using a text editor such as Windows WordPad.
- Add the following code to the <script> section of dragdrop.html, creating the enter() function and returning a value of true from it, indicating that draggable elements may enter a target:
function enter(e) { return true; }
- Save draganddrop.html. Make sure you save this code in text format (the default format for WordPad, for example, is RTF, rich-text format, which won't work with browsers).
Now the user will be able to drag the draggable <div> elements to the targets.