- Who This Book Is For
- Who We Are
- How the Book Is Organized
- Time Is Precious
Time Is Precious
We have designed this book to help leadership teams make the most of their time together. Rest assured that we do not suggest massive systems that take too many of your 100 hours together. We have selected best practices that make good use of that precious time.
We believe, and our work and research supports, that how leaders work together is as important as how well they lead their individual departments. The executives we have worked with over the last 36 years have been strong, smart, hardworking professionals promoted and praised based on their individual leadership and management capabilities and results. When they come together as a team, they are a pack of top dogs. The skills and practices that got them promoted may not be the same ones that are needed to be a great leadership team member.
What if your impact and success depends on how well you and your fellow leaders work together? We believe that it does and invite you to dive right into Chapter 1.