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Finding a Job with LinkedIn Groups
Finding a Job with LinkedIn Groups
Finding a job is a goal for many LinkedIn members. To use LinkedIn groups as a job search tool, first verify that your profile makes you an attractive candidate. Do you have a compelling headline and a summary that includes keywords relevant to your profession?
After ensuring that your profile is employer-ready, it's time to get networking. Here are three tips for job seekers looking for job leads through groups:
- Participate in the right groups. Professional association groups are a great place for job seekers to network. In addition to joining the main group for your professional association, look for smaller groups that focus on a specific location or industry.
- For example, if you're a healthcare publicist in New York, join the national PRSA (Public Relations Society of America) group as well as the PRSA New York and PRSA Health Academy groups.
- View and respond to job postings on your groups' Jobs tab. Some groups have few postings, but others have hundreds. Depending on the group, this could be a great place to find leads.
- Focus your efforts on providing value. By posting relevant content and insightful commentary, you demonstrate your expertise to an audience that includes recruiters, hiring managers, and others who could assist in your job search.
- This is a much better tactic than openly asking people for jobs. You can contact group members who are recruiters or hiring managers directly, but avoid a public plea for employment.