Get The Most Out of iOS 4.1
- Say CheeseTake Better Quality Photos with Your iPhone 4
- New Features and Functions that Are Ideal for Business Users
- Get Ready to Multitask
- Organize Apps on Your Home Screen with Folders
- Add Frequently Used Web Pages to Your Home Screen
- Better Manage Email on Your iPhone
- The iOS 4.1 Offers All this and MoreBut that's Just the Beginning
In September 2010, Apple released a major upgrade to the iPhone's core operating system, giving users new features and added functionality. This latest upgrade to the iOS 4 operating system is iOS 4.1, which is compatible with the iPhone 3Gs and iPhone 4. (Although some of the new features also work with the older iPhone 3G.)
If you haven't already done so, upgrade your compatible iPhone to the iOS 4.1 software via iTunes. When your iPhone is connected to your computer and iTunes is running, click on the Summary section at the top of the iTunes screen, and look for the Software Version information listed near the top-center of the screen.
If the upgrade hasn't yet been installed onto your iPhone, click on the Check for Updates icon that appears on the Summary screen of iTunesthen follow the easy upgrade instructions.
Once installed, you'll notice some significant changes on your iPhone. For example, a new icon will appear, called Game Center, which allows you to participate in real-time, multiplayer games against other iPhone users.
Another new feature of the iOS 4.1 upgrade is the ability to rent (as opposed to purchase) television episodes from several TV networks. Plus, when using the iTunes app on your iPhone, you'll have access to Ping, Apple's new online social networking service for music lovers.
Avid readers will appreciate the ability to purchase, download and read eBooks from the iPhone via Apple's iBookstore. This capability was first introduced on the iPad, which has a larger screen that's more suitable for reading eBooks. However, it now works on the iPhone as well, so you can read a New York Times bestseller on your phone's display, and have dozens of books stored on your iPhone simultaneously.
Say Cheese…Take Better Quality Photos with Your iPhone 4
You'll notice significant changes when you take pictures using your iPhone's built-in camera. On the iPhone 4, the new HDR photography feature allows the camera to snap multiple images simultaneously (each of which utilizes available light somewhat differently) and then those photos get digitally merged into a single, better-quality HDR image.
As you're taking photos with your iPhone, the built-in Camera app now has a 5x zoom feature, so you can better focus in on your subject(s), without physically moving closer.
When viewing your photos, the iOS 4.1 upgrade allows you to view your images using Faces and Places functionality (meaning you can sort photos based on who's in them or where the photos were taken). These are photo-organizing features also currently found in the popular iPhoto '09 application for the Mac.