Activating HTTP(S) Proxy Support
The command-line interface (CLI) retrieves modules from remote repositories. For the command-line interface to do this, Java needs access the Internet. If you use a proxy server to access external websites, you need to set up the proxy server for IBM WebSphere sMash. If you don't know if you use a proxy server, skip this section and try testing your WebSphere sMash installation. If you receive an unknown host error message, you probably need to come back to this section and set up your proxy server. The easiest way to do this is to edit the zero script file for Linux or zero.bat file for Windows in the installation directory.
Open the script file or the batch file that is appropriate for your platform in your favorite text editor. At the top of the file, there are comments that direct you to uncomment particular lines and update the values (see Listing 1.6 for Linux and Listing 1.7 for Windows).
Listing 1.6. Linux Zero Script Fragment Demonstrating Proxy Configuration
# proxy support - # uncomment the following line( and the export ZERO_OPTS) and # update proxy values # ZERO_OPTS="$ZERO_OPTS -Dhttp.proxyHost=myProxyHost -Dhttp.proxyPort=myProxyPort -Dhttps.proxyHost=myProxyHost -Dhttps.proxyPort=myProxyPort" # export ZERO_OPTS
For Linux, uncomment by removing the # sign at the start of the ZERO_OPTS line and the start of the export line. Set the proxy variables to the appropriate values, and your proxy is set up.
Listing 1.7. Windows Zero Batch File Fragment Demonstrating Proxy Configuration
rem proxy support – rem uncomment the following line and rem update values to add proxy settings. rem set ZERO_OPTS=%ZERO_OPTS% -Dhttp.proxyHost=myProxyHost -Dhttp.proxyPort=myProxyPort -Dhttps.proxyHost=myProxyHost -Dhttps.proxyPort=myProxyPort
For Windows, uncomment by removing the rem at the start of the set ZERO_OPTS. Set the proxy variables to the appropriate values, and your proxy is set up.
Now that your proxy is set, we can continue on and sanity test our IBM WebSphere sMash installation.