Importing Contacts
You can import contacts from other mail programs like Outlook or Hotmail into Gmail as well. All you need is to store your contacts in a .csv (comma-separated value) file (see instructions in the following section) and import that.
When you have a .csv file, follow these steps to import it into Gmail:
- From the Contacts page, click the Import link on the top right. Gmail opens the page you see in Figure 5.15.
Figure 5.15 Importing a Contacts file.
- Click the Browse button. Gmail opens a dialog box that lets you browse to the .csv file to upload it.
- Browse to the .csv file to upload and select it.
- Click the Open button in the dialog box. Gmail closes the upload dialog box.
- Click the Import button. Gmail uploads the .csv file and adds it to your contacts.
Creating a .csv File
How do you create a .csv file? The procedure varies by email program. Here are some directions, starting with Microsoft Outlook:
- Select the File menu.
- Select the Import/Export submenu.
- Select the Export menu item. Outlook opens the Export page.
- Select Comma Separated Values (Windows).
- Select Contacts.
- Save the .csv file.
From Outlook Express:
- Select the File menu.
- Select the Export submenu.
- Select the Address Book menu item. Outlook opens an Export dialog box.
- Select Text File (Comma Separated Values).
- Click the Export button.
Here's a brute-force technique using Microsoft Excel for creating a .csv file of contacts from a Hotmail account:
- Sign in to your Hotmail account.
- Click the Contacts tab.
- Click Print View.
- Highlight your contacts by holding down the cursor and dragging it down the list.
- Press Ctrl+C to copy the contacts.
- Open Microsoft Excel.
- Select cell A1 in Excel.
- Press Ctrl+V to paste the contacts into Excel.
- Select the File menu.
- Select the Save As menu item. A Save As dialog box appears.
- Select the CSV (comma-delimited) file type.
- Enter the name you want to save the .csv file under.
- Click Save.
Here's what to do it with Hotmail Live:
- Sign in to your Hotmail account.
- Click Contact List on the left.
- Click the Manage drop-down menu at the top of the Contacts list.
- Select the Export item. The Export page appears.
- Click the Export Contacts button.
- When prompted to open or save the file, click Save.
- Select a location to save the file, and click Save.