- Understanding Facebook Information Flow
- Managing Your Wall
- Tracking News Feeds
- Managing Notifications
- Summary
Managing Notifications
As mentioned at the beginning of this lesson, notifications are messages from Facebook to alert you to stories or activities that involve you somehow. If a friend tags you in a note, for example, or joins your group, you'll see a notification. Some applications you use also generate notifications concerning you automatically. You can view a brief listing of notifications by clicking the Notifications icon in the upper-left corner of the Facebook page, as shown in Figure 6.8. The icon often has a red number that pops up next to it, indicating how many notifications you have waiting to be read.

Figure 6.8 Activate the Notifications icon to see a menu of recent notifications.
For a full-on display of all your notifications, however, you need to open the Notifications page. Click the Notifications icon, and then click See All Notifications. This page, similar to Figure 6.9, displays notifications sent from you or received from others. From here, you can view notifications and control which ones are active.

Figure 6.9 You can view all your notifications on the Notifications page.
Notifications are grouped chronologically by date, so today's notifications appear at the top of the page. Depending on the type of notification, you can click a link to read the message. You can use the check boxes on the right side of the page to control which notifications you see. For example, if you'd rather not see feed comments from applications, uncheck its check box. As you'll quickly learn, the more applications you add to your Facebook experience, the more notifications you'll see. You can easily stop pesky notifications from annoying applications by turning them off. Just deselect the individual application's check box on the Notifications page.