- Actors and Actresses
- Celebrities
- Comedians and Humor
- DVDs
- Film Festivals
- Gaming
- Movies
- Independent Films
- Movie Reviews
- Movie Theaters
- Music
- Music Genres: Alternative
- Music Genres: Bluegrass
- Music Genres: Christian and Gospel
- Music Genres: Classical and Opera
- Music Genres: Country
- Music Genres: Hip-Hop and Rap
- Music Genres: Jazz
- Music Genres: Rock and Pop
- Music Genres: World Music
- Science Fiction and Fantasy
- Television
- Theater and Musicals
If you’re passionate about gaming, this is the site for you. Reviews, previews, news, videos, guides, cheats—it’s all here, for whatever gaming platform you use. Also has sections on movies, TV, DVDs, comics, anime, music, and sports. When you register for a free account on the site, you can create your own blog, set up a wish list, and keep track of your collection. The site is comprehensive, but be warned that some of its content isn’t suitable for young children.
Web: www.ign.com
Facebook: IGN blogs (Group), IGN (Page)
Twitter: IGNcom, IGNGameSite
LinkedIn: IGN Entertainment (Company)
Owned by Sony Online Entertainment, this site offers free online games, downloadable PC games, and games for your console or hand-held device. Many of the for-purchase games have free trials so you can try before you buy. For just under 30 bucks a month, Station Access lets you play the site’s premium live online games and confers other benefits, such as a newsletter, additional character slots, and bonus games.
Web: www.station.sony.com
Facebook: (None)
Twitter: (None)
LinkedIn: Sony Online Entertainment (Company)