- Actors and Actresses
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- Comedians and Humor
- DVDs
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- Independent Films
- Movie Reviews
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- Music
- Music Genres: Alternative
- Music Genres: Bluegrass
- Music Genres: Christian and Gospel
- Music Genres: Classical and Opera
- Music Genres: Country
- Music Genres: Hip-Hop and Rap
- Music Genres: Jazz
- Music Genres: Rock and Pop
- Music Genres: World Music
- Science Fiction and Fantasy
- Television
- Theater and Musicals
Find a local store, or sign up to rent DVDs by mail. Blockbuster ships movies to you; when you’re done, you can return them by mail or to a nearby Blockbuster store. Blockbuster offers recommendations, as well as trailers and clips for you to watch. You can also buy new or previously viewed DVDs.
Web: www.blockbuster.com
Facebook: BLOCKBUSTER (Page)
Twitter: blockbuster
LinkedIn: Blockbuster (Company)
Netflix revolutionized DVD rentals by creating a subscription-based site where you can create a list of the DVDs you’d like to see, receive them in the mail, and return them when you’re ready—no late fees. Now, you can use this DVD-rental model or pick a movie and view it instantly on your PC. Browse more than 100,000 titles (10,000 for PC viewing), get recommendations, or sign up for a free trial before you commit.
Web: www.netflix.com
Facebook: Netflix (Page), Netflix Updates (Application)
Twitter: netflix, instant_netflix, netflixapi, netflix_movies
LinkedIn: Netflix (Company)
Lots of people have DVDs lying around that they don’t really watch anymore. If your DVDs are in good condition, you can trade them for movies you do want to see. Create a list of DVDs you’re willing to give away. When someone requests one and you mail it off (you pay postage), you get a credit on the site. Use credits to request the DVDs you want. When you get a DVD, it’s yours to keep—or to swap another day.
Web: www.swapadvd.com
Facebook: SwapaDVD (Page, Application)
Twitter: swapadvd (Company)
LinkedIn: (None)