Changing the Appearance of Your Tumblog
- Changing Your Tumblog's Appearance
- Changing Advanced Settings
- Changing a Theme's Appearance
- Four Ways to Change Your Tumblog's Appearance
- Choosing a New Theme
- Customizing a Theme
- Summary
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In this lesson, you learn how to finish setting up your tumblog, including choosing a theme, changing various aspects of its appearance, and advanced settings.
This chapter is from the book
Changing Your Tumblog's Appearance
Previous lessons described everything you have to do before starting to use your tumblog. After you have your account preferences set up, your basic customization settings the way you want them, and your URL decided, you can start posting and inviting people to visit your tumblog.
Before you start posting and inviting people to visit or at any time after, you can change other aspects of how your tumblog works. This includes the theme, or overall look of your tumblog, many other aspects of its appearance, and specific settings that control how your tumblog works.
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