- Introduction
- Understanding Foreground and Background Colors
- Using the Brush and Brush Presets Panels
- Modifying the Brush Presets Panel
- Selecting Brush Tip Sets
- Adjusting Brush Tips
- Adjusting Bristle Brush Tips
- Creating Customized Brush Tips
- Saving Customized Brush Tips
- Working with the Brush and Airbrush Tools
- Working with the Mixed Brush Tool
- Working with the Pencil Tool
- Working with Auto Erase
- Working with the Line Tool
- Using the Standard Shape Tool
- Working with the Custom Shape Tool
- Creating a Custom Shape
- Saving Custom Shape Sets
- Using the Paint Bucket Tool
- Working with the Eraser Tools
- Working with the Magic Eraser Tool
- Creating and Applying Gradients
- Creating and Saving Customized Gradients
- Using the Color Replacement Tool
This chapter is from the book
Saving Customized Brush Tips
Once a brush tip is created, it becomes part of the current set. However, the brush has not yet been permanently saved in Photoshop. Although the new brush tip will reappear every time you access the Brush panel, if you choose the option to reset the panel, the new brush will be lost. To keep brushes you must save them into customized sets; choose the default Brushes folder, so Photoshop can use them.
Save a Customized Brush Tip
Select a Brush tool on the toolbox, and then select the Brush Presets panel.
Create a set of customized brushes.
Click the Brush Presets Options button, and then click Save Brushes.
Type the name of the set (with a ABR extension).
Click the Save In (Win) or Where (Mac) list arrow, and then select where you want to save the brush set.
Click Save.