- Introduction
- Understanding Foreground and Background Colors
- Using the Brush and Brush Presets Panels
- Modifying the Brush Presets Panel
- Selecting Brush Tip Sets
- Adjusting Brush Tips
- Adjusting Bristle Brush Tips
- Creating Customized Brush Tips
- Saving Customized Brush Tips
- Working with the Brush and Airbrush Tools
- Working with the Mixed Brush Tool
- Working with the Pencil Tool
- Working with Auto Erase
- Working with the Line Tool
- Using the Standard Shape Tool
- Working with the Custom Shape Tool
- Creating a Custom Shape
- Saving Custom Shape Sets
- Using the Paint Bucket Tool
- Working with the Eraser Tools
- Working with the Magic Eraser Tool
- Creating and Applying Gradients
- Creating and Saving Customized Gradients
- Using the Color Replacement Tool
Adjusting Brush Tips
The left pane of the Brush panel provides a series of controls that let you define how a brush tip is applied to the active image. Features such as Brush Tip Shape, Scattering and Color Dynamics let you further customize your brush tips so you can create that specialized brush for all your image enhancement needs.
Adjust a Brush Tip
Select a Brush tool on the toolbox, and then select the Brush panel.
Click the Brush Options button, and then click Expanded View.
Click to select a specific brush tip.
Select from the various Painting Engine options:
Brush Tip Shape. Lets you modify the size, angle, roundness, hardness, and spacing of the brush tip. In addition, you can flip the brush shape along its x (left to right), or y (top to bottom) axis.
Shape Dynamics. Lets you randomly (jitter) generate different sizes, angles, and roundness for the brush tip.
Scattering. Lets you randomly scatter the shape. Options include the ability to distribute (Scatter) the shape, as you draw, choose how many to use (Count), and randomly change the number (Count Jitter), as you draw.
Texture. Lets you select a predefined or custom texture, in place of a solid color.
Dual Brush. Lets you select a second brush.
Color Dynamics. Lets you key off of the active foreground and background colors.
Other Dynamics. See Table.