- Introduction
- Becoming an Apple Certified Developer
- Registering an iPhone and Other Apple Testing Devices
- Creating App IDs
- Creating a Developers Provisioning Profiles
- Creating and Publishing an iPhone App
- Controlling the Accelerometer
- Saving Images to the Camera Roll
- Understanding the Limits of Flash
- Identifying Devices to Deploy an Ad Hoc App
- Creating an Ad Hoc Distribution Profile
- Packaging an Ad Hoc App
- Packaging an App for the iTunes App Store
- Using iTunes Connect to Publish an App
- Using Screen Orientation in an App
- Using Geolocation in an App
- Using Multitouch in an App
Creating a Developers Provisioning Profiles
A provision profile is a document which is associated with your App and developer certificate for either development or iTunes App distribution. There are three types of Provisioning Profiles (New!) you can use: Developer, Distribution to Ad Hoc and Distribution to iTunes App Store. You will cover how to use the Distribution Profiles later in the chapter. For now, let’s focus on creating Developer Profiles.
Create a Developer Profile
Open your Web browser, and then go to the Provisioning Profiles page on the iPhone Developer site:
Click the Development tab.
Click the New Profile button.
Enter a meaningful Profile name.
A convention that is gaining popularity is to use the prefix “Dev” followed by the App ID, such as DevWorldlyWordSearch.
Select the check box with your name in the Certificates list.
Click the App ID list arrow, and then select your App ID.
Select your test device from the devices listed.
Click the Submit button.
Your developer profile takes about 30 seconds to generate.
Click Download (Mac) or Save (Win), and then save the Developer profile to your desktop.
The file will have the extension “mobileprovision”
Connect your test iPhone to iTunes.
Drag the downloaded Developer Profile onto iTunes, and then sync your iPhone.
This adds the Developer Profile to your testing device.