- Introduction
- Becoming an Apple Certified Developer
- Registering an iPhone and Other Apple Testing Devices
- Creating App IDs
- Creating a Developers Provisioning Profiles
- Creating and Publishing an iPhone App
- Controlling the Accelerometer
- Saving Images to the Camera Roll
- Understanding the Limits of Flash
- Identifying Devices to Deploy an Ad Hoc App
- Creating an Ad Hoc Distribution Profile
- Packaging an Ad Hoc App
- Packaging an App for the iTunes App Store
- Using iTunes Connect to Publish an App
- Using Screen Orientation in an App
- Using Geolocation in an App
- Using Multitouch in an App
Using iTunes Connect to Publish an App
You are now very close to having an App available on the iTunes store. Can’t you feel the rush! You could be selling thousands of apps in a matter of a few days. The gap between you and riches is Apple’s iTunes Connect publishing tool. You are very close now. You will be using a new Web site to upload your final iPhone Apps. The site is called iTunes Connect (https://itunesconnect.apple.com/). In every sense, iTunes Connect is your business relationship with Apple. The site allows you to set up your contracts, tax records, banking information, review sales trends, download financial report and manage your In App Purchases. You will need to complete these sections in order to sell your App in iTunes. This section is going to focus on the important part of iTunes Connect: Managing your Applications (New!).
Use iTunes Connect to Publish your App
In Flash, create your iPhone App, publish and package it, and then change the extension from IPA to ZIP.
Convert the 512x512 PNG pixel image into a JPG image. Label the new file 512.jpg.
Take a screen shot of your App as it appears in your iPhone. When your App is playing on your iPhone, press the Home and Sleep buttons at the same time (screen flashes) to take a screen shot of your App.
The image is stored to your Camera Roll and is exactly the same size Apple needs.
Open your Web browser, and then go to the iTunes Connect page, and then use your Apple Developer ID and Password to log into the site:
Click Manage Your App from iTunes Connect.
Add anew application or edit an existing one.
Add New App. Click the Add New Application button to start the process of creating a new iTunes App.
Edit Existing App. Double-click the application icon.
When you’re done editing your App settings, click Save Changes.
There are several screens you need to complete to upload your App to iTunes.
If prompted, click the Yes or No option to specify whether your App contains encrypted data.
- For a first App, click No to keep the process simple. In the future, you can experiment with different settings.
Click the Continue button when you have completed the page.
The next page allows you to add product overview information about your App. For the most part, the content you enter on this screen can be edited after your App has been submitted.
Enter or change information about your App. The information includes the following:
- Name and description.
- Product primary and secondary categories.
- Copyright, version number, and SKU number.
- Keywords. Use for search engines (up to 100 characters).
- URLs. Application/support URL and support email.
Click the Continue button when you have completed the page.
The next page allows you to add a rating for your App.
Click options to answer the 10 questions to determine a rating.
Click the Continue button when you have completed the page.
The next page allows you to upload all of your App files.
Click the Choose File button to upload your App files:
- Upload the ZIP’d IPA file for the Application.
- Upload the 512.jpg for the Large 512x512 Icon.
- Upload a 480x320 jpg image for the Primary Screenshot.
- Add 1-4 480x320 jpg images for the Additional Screenshots.
The upload will take about 20 minutes. The upload is checking for some basic settings such as including the correct profile.
A green check mark appears for each successfully loaded image. A red cross appears when something is wrong.
Click the Continue button when you have completed the page.
The next page allows you to specify availability and pricing for your App.
Specify an Availability Date and Price Tier.
Availability Date. Specifies when your App goes on sale.
Price Tier. Select a price tier level; you do not get to select a specific price for your App.
This removes the pain of selling with different currencies. A Tier 2 App will be $0.99 in the US, 59 pence in England and AU$1.29 in Australia. There are over 70 different currencies that Apple manages for you.
Click the Continue button when you have completed the page.
The next page allows you to specify localization for your App.
Specify the localization settings you want for your App.
Click the Continue button when you have completed the page.
At this point, review all of your content, and then click the Submit button.
- When you’re done editing your App settings, click Save Changes.