- Introduction
- Becoming an Apple Certified Developer
- Registering an iPhone and Other Apple Testing Devices
- Creating App IDs
- Creating a Developers Provisioning Profiles
- Creating and Publishing an iPhone App
- Controlling the Accelerometer
- Saving Images to the Camera Roll
- Understanding the Limits of Flash
- Identifying Devices to Deploy an Ad Hoc App
- Creating an Ad Hoc Distribution Profile
- Packaging an Ad Hoc App
- Packaging an App for the iTunes App Store
- Using iTunes Connect to Publish an App
- Using Screen Orientation in an App
- Using Geolocation in an App
- Using Multitouch in an App
Creating an Ad Hoc Distribution Profile
The first step is to identify the devices you will be deploying your Ad Hoc App to. The next step is to create the profile you will need to use when you are building your Application for Ad Hoc deployment. The Ad Hoc Distribution method (New!) removes the hassle of having to wait for your App to be approved by Apple (which can take days to weeks to complete). To be able to take advantage of the Ad Hoc deployment process you need to first create an Ad Hoc Distribution Profile. Creating the Ad Hoc Profile is very similar to the profile you will create when you submit your App to the iTunes Store. The one big difference is you need to have a list of all the unique iPhone’s and iPod Touch devices you will be sending your final App too.
Create an Ad Hoc Distribution Profile
Open your Web browser, and then go to the Provisioning Profiles page on the iPhone Developer site:
Click the Distribution tab.
Click the New Profile button.
Click the Ad Hoc option.
Enter a profile name for your App.
Click the App ID list arrow, and then select the App ID that matches the App you want to deploy using Ad Hoc.
Select the devices (from the list of ones you entered) you want to deploy using Ad Hoc.
Click the Submit button.
Your Ad Hoc profile takes about 30 seconds to generate.
Click Download (Mac) or Save (Win), and then save the Ad Hoc profile to your desktop.
At this point, you’re ready to create your Ad Hoc iPhone App.