- The Venture Adventure
- Getting the Latest News on Venture Capital
- Money from Angels
- Adventure Capitalists
- Business Development Agencies
- Money from Corporations
- How Much Will You Have to Give Up in Exchange for Investment Capital?
- Doing Your Own Valuation
- Small Business Investment Companies
- National Association of Small Business Investment Companies
- Folks Who Might Have Money for You
- The National Venture Capital Association
- Show Me the Money!
- Garage.com
The National Venture Capital Association
The NVCA is another group that you should know about. Its Web site, located at nvca.com, is chock full of a lot of information about venture capital and the people who hand it out.
The U.S. government's Small Business Administration itself can be found online at www.sbaonline.sba.gov/. Meanwhile, its very exciting Small Business Investment Companyrelated site is found at. sba.gov/INV/. Any reasonable person could get absolutely giddy while reading some of the stuff that it has on that Web site. Check out this exciting quote taken from its mission statement:
"Congress created the Small Business Investment Company (SBIC) Program in 1958 to fill the gap between the availability of venture capital and the needs of small businesses in start-up and growth situations. SBICs, licensed and regulated by the SBA, are privately owned and managed investment firms that use their own capital, plus funds borrowed at favorable rates with an SBA guarantee, to make venture capital investments in small businesses."
The National Venture Capital Association home page is shown in Figure 10.5.