1.10 Notation
In this book we have tried to devise a uniform naming convention for surreptitious software algorithms. Every algorithm is referred to by a name that consists of a prefix (WM for watermarking, OBF for obfuscation, TP for tamperproofing, and SS for software similarity) followed by the authors’ surname initials. For algorithms that attack programs we use the prefix RE (for reverse engineering). For a single author algorithm, we use the initial of the surname followed by the initial of the given name. When a list of authors have multiple algorithms, we add a subscript. If two different lists of authors share the same initials, we add given name initials and initials from the article title until names are disambiguated.
To facilitate navigating through the book, we’ve added page numbers to all cross-references, using the following notation: “In Section 3.2.3▸163 you will see the totally awesome Algorithm 3.1▸165... .”