Time Is Money
Of course this certification process isn’t free. If you’re a PMI member, this exam will cost you $520 for your first crack at the exam. If for some weird reason you don’t pass the exam on your first attempt, you’ll have to cough up another $335 to take the exam again. If you’re not a PMI member, the exam will cost you $670, and $435 should need to retake the exam. You can take the exam up to three times in one year from your exam application approval date.
Here’s a tip: It only costs $129 to join PMI. It’s more costly to join PMI first and then take the exam than to hold out on getting a membership and pay a bit more for the exam. You should probably budget for $180 or so to join PMI, however. This is because it makes good sense to go ahead and join your local PMI chapter while you’re at it.