- High-Tech Stalkers
- "How I Stalked My Girlfriend"
- The Victim's Side
- Identity Assumption
- The Wild, Wild Web
- Sticks and Stones
- The "Stalker" E-Card
- Cyber Stalking and the Law
- Cyber Stalking Facts
- Lethality Assessment Tools
- If You Think You Are Being Cyber Stalked
- Teen/Tech Stalking
- Online GamesThe New Stalker's Ground
- Online Gaming and Malware
- Would You Say It to My Face?
- National School Board Survey
- Women as Perpetrators
Cyber Stalking Facts
The following statistics shed some light on who the stalker is and who the stalker targets:
- Sixty-six percent of stalkers pursue their victim at least once per week.
- Seventy-eight percent of stalkers use more than one approach.
- Eighty-one percent of victims stalked by an intimate partner reported that they had previously been assaulted.
- Eighty-seven percent of stalkers are men.
- Ninety-four percent of female victims are stalked by men.
- Sixty percent of male victims are stalked by other men.
- Just over 13% of college students reported being stalked.
Sixty-two percent of cyber stalking victims are female, primarily ages 18–24.
(Source: www.wiredsafety.org/resources/powerpoint/cyberstalking_study.ppt)
Just like domestic violence, stalking and cyber stalking at the hands of a former intimate partner can escalate and result in danger to a victim. Factors used in threat assessment include looking at the stalker's level of motive, means, ability, intent, and experience. A rise in these things, in combination with one another, can determine the level of threat facing a victim. The danger potential is often seen in "dramatic moments" such as the arrest of the perpetrator, the issuance of a restraining or stalking order, court hearings, custody hearings, anniversary dates, and any family-oriented holiday. The threat level is greater to a victim during these times.