3.6. Lab
This Lab consists of review questions that pertain to this chapter and gives you an opportunity to apply the knowledge you've learned in this chapter. You can find the answers to the review questions in Appendix B.
3.6.1. Review Questions
Question 1
What type of application can have multiple threads per process?
An MS-DOS application
A Windows 16-bit application
A Windows 32-bit application
Question 2
A user is working on a 486DX2 with 16MB of RAM. He is working in several 16-bit Windows-based applications when the one he is currently using stops responding to the keyboard and the mouse. What would be his proper course of action?
Restart the computer.
Press Ctrl-Alt-Del twice to bring up the Close Program dialog box and terminate the proper application. All other 16-bit applications will resume normal operation.
Press Ctrl-Alt-Del to bring up the Close Program dialog box and terminate all programs. Restart the programs as appropriate.
Press Ctrl-Alt-Del to bring up the Close Program dialog box and terminate the proper application. All other 16-bit applications will resume to normal operation.
Question 3
What key in the Windows 95 Registry stores information such as which drivers are loaded, what hardware is installed, and how ports are mapped?
Question 4
You are running three Win16 applications, two Win32 applications, and two MS-DOS applications on a Windows 95 computer. How many virtual machines are running on that computer? (You knew this question was coming!)
Question 5
Windows 95 Virtual Memory allocates memory in what size blocks?
Question 6
A user calls you and complains that her computer is running sluggishly. You inquire and find out that her hard drive is almost constantly active. You investigate to find that she has plenty of free disk space available to last her for quite some time. What would be the proper fix for this problem?
Monitor the hard disk. A possible disk failure may be approaching.
Have her use fewer applications at once.
Remove any unneeded applications.
Add more RAM.
Question 7
Which applications in Windows 95 are preemptively multitasked?
MS-DOS applications
Win16 applications
Win32 applications
Both a and c
Question 8
A user who is having problems with his MS-DOS application contacts you. It appears that his machine will run fine in MS-DOS mode, but he needs the capability to cut and paste between this application and a Windows-based application. The application will run inside Windows 95, but behaves differently. Which of the following would you suggest?
From the Properties dialog box of this application, go to the Miscellaneous tab and set the Idle Sensitivity at its lowest level.
From the Properties dialog box of this application, go to the Program tab. Click on the Advanced button and place a check mark in the box titled: Prevent MS-DOSbased program from detecting Windows.
From the Properties dialog box of this application, go to the Program tab. Click on the Advanced button and place a check mark in the box titled: Suggest MS-DOS mode as necessary.
From the Properties dialog box of this application, go to the Screen tab. Click on the Advanced button and place a check mark in the box titled Fast ROM emulation.
3.6.2. Exercises
In this Lab, you will modify the properties of an MS-DOS program and modify the Registry.
Modifying an MS-DOS programs properties
Double-click on My computer.
Double-click on the C: drive.
Locate the file COMMAND.COM.
Drag the file to your Desktop. (This should create a shortcut to MS-DOS prompt.)
Close the My Computer and C: drive windows.
Double-click on the shortcut you've just created. (An MS-DOS prompt window should open.)
At the prompt, type MEM and press Enter.
Write down the amount of EMS memory and XMS memory that is used and available.
Type EXIT and press Enter.
Right-click on the shortcut and then select Properties.
Click on the Memory tab.
Change the amounts of EMS and XMS memory to None.
Click OK.
Double-click the Shortcut icon.
At the prompt, type MEM and press Enter.
How much EMS and XMS memory is used and available now? Compare to previous values.
The memory changed because of the amounts that you specified in the properties.
Open another MS-DOS window by clicking on Start, pointing to Programs, and clicking MS-DOS Prompt.
At the prompt, type MEM and press Enter.
Compare values with those in previous MS-DOS window.
The values are different because they are separate virtual machines. Also, by modifying the properties of one, it does not affect the other because of separate PIFs.
Close both windows.
Editing the Registry
In this lab, we will create a logo on banner to be displayed at each Windows logo on.
Click Start and click Run.
Type REGEDIT and press Enter.
Expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE by clicking on the plus sign next to it.
Expand Software.
Expand Microsoft.
Scroll down and expand Windows.
Expand CurrentVersion.
Scroll down and click on the folder next to Winlogon.
From the menu, click Edit.
Point to New and click String Value.
Type LegalNoticeCaption (do not put spaces) and press Enter.
Double-click LegalNoticeCaption.
Type the word Caution into the Value data field and click OK.
From the menu, click Edit.
Point to New and click String Value.
Type LegalNoticeText (do not put spaces) and press Enter.
Double-click LegalNoticeText.
Type in the phrase Authorized users only. into the Value data field and click OK.
Close the Registry Editor and click the Start button.
Click Shut Down and then select Close all Programs and log on as different user.
Click OK.
Log back on.
Did you see the caption?
If not, repeat these steps again, careful to watch punctuation.
You may delete the caption by repeating steps 1 through 8, simply clicking on LegalNoticeCaption and LegalNoticeText, and pressing the Delete button on the keyboard.