- The Fundamentals of VBScript
- VBScript Versus VB
- Creating Variables in VBScript
- Concatenating Strings
- Arrays and Loops
- Resizing Arrays
- Inequality Operators
- Conditional Statements
- Select Case Statements
- Sub
- Function
- Working with Arguments
- Beware of Types
- Event Procedure Naming Syntax
- Server-Side Events
- Local Variables
- Script-Level Variables
A Function is a procedure that returns a value upon execution. You construct it very much in the same way that you do a Sub. However, instead of using the Sub <keyword> you use the Function <keyword>. Moreover and most importantly, you pass a value out of a Function by assigning the value to the function's name. Writing well-designed functions is the first step toward creating well-encapsulated code. Listing 3.11 shows you code in which the Sub GetBiggerNumber has been transformed to a Function called GetBiggerNumber(). The function returns a value, which depends on the larger value entered into text elements on a Web page.
Listing 3.11: Returning a Value from a Function (03asp11.htm)
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE></TITLE> </HEAD> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=VBScript> Function GetBiggerNumber() Dim x Dim y 'Get the First Number x = CInt(text1.value) 'Get the Second Number y = CInt(text2.value) 'Pass the larger number out of the 'function by assigning the value to 'the function's name. If x > y Then GetBiggerNumber = x Else GetBiggerNumber = y End If End Function Sub button1_OnClick() 'Use the return of the function, GetBiggerNumber 'as the value to assign to the text element, 'text3. text3.value = GetBiggerNumber() End Sub </SCRIPT> <BODY> <P>First Number: <INPUT name=text1 size=15></P> <P>Second Number: <INPUT name=text2 size=15></P> <INPUT type="button" value="Get Bigger Number" name=button1> <P>Bigger Number: <INPUT name=text3 size=15></P> </BODY> </HTML>
Listing 3.11 changes the internals of the page. However, the output of that listing is much the same as what is shown in Figure 3.8.