Chapter Review
What entry point is required if you want to create a Java application? Is this same entry point required for a Java agent? How about an applet?
Is it possible to create a Java Domino agent that will run in both a Web browser and the Notes client? How about an applet that runs in both?
What entry points are used for a regular Java applet? Are these same entry points used if you create an applet that will be using the Domino Objects classes, and if not, what are they?
What is the difference between extending the java.lang.Thread class and implementing the runnable interface?
How does the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) know where to look for classes that it must load at runtime?
If you have a ZIP file that contains a set of Java class files, do you need to unzip it before it can be used with the JVM?
If you want to create an applet that will access the Domino Objects classes, what class must you extend when you are creating your applet?
Describe the naming convention, including capitalization, that you should use when creating your own Java classes, packages, and method names. If you have your own Internet domain name and expect to be sharing, selling, or otherwise distributing your classes, what prefix should you use on your package names?
Describe the difference between the NotesThread class and the built-in Java Thread class. When should you use each one?
Describe a scenario where you might have to implement the runnable interface rather than extend NotesThread.
Create a standalone Java application that creates three threads. Have each thread print a unique message to the debug console and then exit.