Web Site Flow
The final of the gasTix requirements was to lay out a site map showing expected Web pages and how they interrelate (see Figure 2.3). This section describes each of those pages along with how they relate to the use cases discussed previously.
Figure 2.3 Map of the pages for the eb site.
Home Page
The main page is the base starting point for the gasTix site. It presents a variety of options for searching the site for an event of the customer's choice. These options include presenting the set of categories available in the system. Upon visiting the main page, if the user is determined to have been logged into Passport, the list of available categories is modified based on the user's stated preferences. Also from here, the user can sign in to Microsoft Passport and access profile settings.
This Web page supports the following use cases:
Display Main Page
Select Event by State
Select Event by Venue
Select Event by Category
Select Event by Name
Artists/Teams by Name
This page lists all artists, groups, or teams found in the system as the result of a name search. The artists are listed down the center of the page with a link to gather more information about the artist.
This Web page supports the following use cases:
Search Event by Name
Subcategories by Category
This page lists all subcategories of a given category. The subcategories are linked to find all events for that subcategory.
This Web page supports the following use cases:
Select Event by Category
Artists by Subcategory
This page lists all artists found in the system for a given subcategory. The events are linked to provide a list of events for that artist.
This Web page supports the following use cases:
Select Event by Category
State List/US Map
This page provides a map of the United States. Each state is linked to show all artists performing in that state.
This Web page supports the following use cases:
Select Event by State
Venue Search Page
This page also provides a map of the United States from which to select. Each state is linked to show all venues available in that state. Optionally, the customer can enter a string to serve as search criteria for a venue name.
This Web page supports the following use cases:
Select Event by Venue
Cities with Venues List
This page lists all cities with known venues for a given state. Each city is linked to provide a list of venues in that city.
This Web page supports the following use cases:
Select Event by Venue
Venues by City/State
This page lists all venues located in a given city and state. Each venue is linked to provide a list of events in that venue.
This Web page supports the following use cases:
Select Event by Venue
Venues by Name
This page lists all venues that match the given criteria for the venue's name. The customer can then issue another search. Alternatively, each venue is linked to provide a list of events in that venue.
This Web page supports the following use cases:
Select Event by Venue
Events by Venue
This page lists all events occurring at a given venue. Each event is linked to provide detailed information about that event.
This Web page supports the following use cases:
Select Event by Venue
Events by Artist/Team
This page lists all events associated with a given artist or team. Each event is linked to provide detailed information about that event.
This Web page supports the following use cases:
Select Event by State
Select Event by Category
Select Event by Name
Seating Chart
This page shows the seating chart of a given venue. This Web page supports the following use cases:
View Seating Chart
Event Details
This page provides detailed information about a given event, including performer, location, and event times as a minimum. The customers can check for available seating by specifying the section and number of seats desired within the venue.
This Web page supports the following use cases:
Select Event by State
Select Event by Venue
Select Event by Category
Select Event by Name
Check Pricing and Availability
Event Pricing Details
This page shows the customer the best seats available for the criteria provided. The customer sees a message indicating that he or she has five minutes (or some other agreed-upon time frame) to purchase the tickets. The user can then elect to begin the purchase process.
This Web page supports the following use cases:
Check Pricing and Availability
Purchase Tickets
Ticket Purchase
This page prompts the customer to provide data to complete the purchase including shipping and billing information. The customers have the option to use the express purchase option where they will be taken to the MS Passport site to log in and confirm their data. Passport will then provide the customer data back to gasTix to populate the given form. The user then elects to confirm the purchase.
At this point, the customer receives a confirmation of the purchase by e-mail and the shipping request is made to the fulfillment service.
This Web page supports the following use cases:
Purchase Tickets
Request Ticket Delivery
Purchase Confirmation
This page provides the customer with a confirmation that the purchase was processed successfully.
This Web page supports the following use cases:
Purchase Tickets
Update Profile
This page provides the customers with the capability to define their display preferences when visiting the site. Basically, the page lists all categories available and the customers can select which ones to display. Once the profile is updated, the customers see a message indicating the changes are complete.
The customers must have successfully logged into Microsoft Passport before being allowed to visit this page. If they have not, they will be redirected to Passport where they will log in or set up an account, as appropriate.
This Web page supports the following use cases:
Set up Personal Account
Shipment Status
This page provides the customers with the capability to check on the status of any shipment. The customers are prompted to provide an order number, at which point they are provided with the shipping date (or expected shipping date if not already shipped) and shipping destination.
This Web page supports the following use cases:
Check Shipment Status