When you're done playing with the program, click the Quit button and then save your project by clicking Save All on the Visual Basic toolbar.
That's it! You've just created a bona fide Visual Basic program. You've used the toolbox to build an interface with which users can interact with your program, and you've written code in strategic event handlers to empower your program to do things. These are the basics of application development in Visual Basic. Even the most complicated programs are built using this basic approach; you build the interface and add code to make the application do things. Of course, writing code to do things exactly the way you want things done is where the process can get complicated, but you're on your way.
If you take a close look at the organization of the hours in this book, you'll see that I start out by teaching you the Visual Basic environment. I then move on to building an interface, and later I teach you all about writing code. This organization is deliberate. You might be a little anxious to jump in and start writing serious code, but writing code is only part of the equationdon't forget the word Visual in Visual Basic. As you progress through the hours, you'll be building a solid foundation of development skills.
Soon, you'll pay no attention to the man behind the curtainyou'll be that man (or woman)!