- What is ASP. NET?
- Configuring Internet Information Server 5.0
- Installing the .NET Framework SDK
- Summary
- Q&A
- Workshop
- Answers for Hour 1
Installing the .NET Framework SDK
In order to work with ASP.NET, you will first need to install the .NET Framework SDK on your Web server.
Make certain that your Web server has all the .NET Framework prerequisites installed. You must have Internet Explorer 5.5 as well as MDAC 2.6, although MDAC 2.7 is recommended, installed prior to installing the .NET SDK. Follow these instructions to install the .NET Framework SDK on your Web server:
To install Internet Explorer, go to http://www.microsoft.com/windows/ie/download/ie55sp1.htm and run the IE setup program.
Once the setup program is loaded and you have accepted the terms of the license agreement, Internet Explorer 5.5 will be installed on the computer. Reboot when the installation wizard prompts you.
Download MDAC 2.6 from http://www.microsoft.com/data/download_260SDK.htm and install it on your Web server. MDAC 2.6 is necessary on the Web server for retrieving data from a database system such as SQL Server 2000. Follow the installation instructions on the page and continue to the next step when the MDAC installation is completed.
You can download a copy of the .NET Framework SDK if you don't already have a copy. Be warned though: The .NET SDK is a 127MB download. You can either download it in one huge file or break it up into 13 smaller downloads, depending on your bandwidth. The URL to retrieve the .NET Framework SDK is http://msdn.microsoft.com/downloads/default.asp?url=/downloads/sample.asp?url= /msdn-files/027/000/976/msdncompositedoc.xml&frame=true.
Once you've expanded the .NET Framework SDK download, double-click the setup.exe icon to begin installing the .NET Framework SDK.
A message will appear asking whether you want to install the .NET Framework SDK. When you click Yes, the installation program will extract all the .NET installation files necessary to complete the setup process. The .NET Framework SDK extraction process will take a few minutes to complete.
Scroll through the screens, pausing to accept the terms and conditions in the licensing agreement, until you reach the Install Options screen presented in Figure 1.7. Make sure the Software Development Kit box is checked; then click the Next button.
Choose the destination folder for the .NET Framework SDK and click the Next button. By default, the SDK installs to the directory C:\Program Files\Microsoft.Net\FrameworkSDK\.
The installation routine will begin installing the .NET components onto the Web server at this time (see Figure 1.8). Wait for the installation to complete and then reboot, when prompted, for the changes to take effect.
Figure 1.7 The .NET Framework SDK Install Options screen.
Figure 1.8 The .NET Framework SDK installing on the server.
Once the .NET Framework SDK has been installed, you can begin developing ASP.NET applications. In the next hour, you will learn how to create your first ASP.NET page, along with which tools work best in the creation of these types of applications.
If you install or plan to install the VS.NET development environment then you can skip the preceding instructions. The VS.NET installation will install the necessary prerequisites and .NET framework.