- What is ASP. NET?
- Configuring Internet Information Server 5.0
- Installing the .NET Framework SDK
- Summary
- Q&A
- Workshop
- Answers for Hour 1
Configuring Internet Information Server 5.0
In order to configure IIS 5.0 for ASP.NET, you have to start by creating a virtual directory; to do this, follow these steps (note that we will use IIS 5.0 on Windows 2000 to host all the examples in this book):
Click the Start button and choose Programs, Administrative Tools, Internet Services Manager.
Click the Web server name. On the right side of the screen, Default Web Site should have a status of "Running." If this is not the case, highlight Default Web Site by clicking it and then click the Play icon on the toolbar at the top.
Clicking the plus sign (+) next to the Web server name will display a list of the available Web sites on this server, as shown in Figure 1.1.
Clicking the plus sign (+) next to Default Web Site will display a list of the virtual directories for this Web site, as shown in Figure 1.2. Virtual directories are simply logical directories that can contain physical directories.
Right-click Default Web Site and then select New, Virtual Directory (a virtual directory is a link to another physical directory that resides outside of the Web site tree).
Figure 1.3 shows the screen that appears. From this screen, enter the alias that you wish to use to gain access to this directory (for example, ASP_Net_Examples) and then click Next.
In the next screen, shown in Figure 1.4, browse to the location where you want your virtual directory to be and click Next. If no directory has been created for your ASP.NET pages, create one now, calling it C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\ASP_Net_Examples, for example.
In the next screen, shown in Figure 1.5, select the appropriate access permissions for this directory and click Next. The default access permissions are Read and Run Script. These permissions are acceptable for all ASP.NET applications that will be hosted on this server.
In the final screen, shown in Figure 1.6, click the Finish button, and the virtual directory will be completed.
Figure 1.1 A list of virtual directories is displayed below Default Web Site.
Figure 1.2 Creating a virtual directory for the default Web site.
Figure 1.3 The Virtual Directory Alias screen.
Figure 1.4 The Web Site Content Directory screen.
Figure 1.5 The Access Permissions screen.
Figure 1.6 Congratulations! You have finished creating a virtual directory.
The new virtual directory will now appear as a node under the Default Web Site tree. Hour 2, "Presenting Internet Information Services," will provide a more detailed overview of the features and benefits of Internet Information Services (IIS) on Windows 2000.