Changing Result Sets
So far, every column you have requested has been retrieved and displayed as the data was stored. However, there will be many times when you will need to change the way the data is displayed. This next section will discuss the different ways that you can change the labels of the displayed columns or modify the data in the columns by using operators and functions.
Using Column Aliases
You will find that the names of the columns as defined in the database are not exactly easy to read as shown in the following example:
use pubs select emp_id, job_id, job_lvl, pub_id from employee
emp_id job_id job_lvl pub_id --------- ------ ------- ------ PMA42628M 13 35 0877 PSA89086M 14 89 1389 VPA30890F 6 140 0877 H-B39728F 12 35 0877 L-B31947F 7 120 0877 F-C16315M 4 227 9952
As you can see, the column names are not very descriptive. SQL provides you with the ability to change the names of the columns in the SELECT statement to make it easier for you to understand the output. To change a column name, you would use the following syntax:
SELECT <column name> as <new name> FROM <table>
Using the previous SQL example, I could change it to make the output more readable as shown in the next example.
use pubs select emp_id as 'Employee Number', job_id as 'Job Number', job_lvl as 'Job Pay Level', pub_id as 'Publisher ID' from employee
Employee Number Job Number Job Pay Level Publisher ID --------------- ---------- ------------- ------------ PMA42628M 13 35 0877 PSA89086M 14 89 1389 VPA30890F 6 140 0877 H-B39728F 12 35 0877
You can also see that I used single quotes to define the new column names that include blanks in the SQL statement.
Tip - Using column aliases is one of the best ways of creating easy to understand T-SQL scripts, especially long, complex scripts.
Using String Constants
Now that you have seen how to change the names of the columns that you select, you will see how to add new columns of text to your output that are not included in the database. String constants enable you to add labels and comments to your output easily. You can use a string constant in your SQL statement in the same way you would reference a column. The following example shows how to add a constant to your SQL query:
use northwind select 'Hi! My Name is: ', FirstName from employees
FirstName ---------------- ---------- Hi! My Name is: Nancy Hi! My Name is: Andrew Hi! My Name is: Janet Hi! My Name is: Margaret Hi! My Name is: Steven Hi! My Name is: Michael Hi! My Name is: Robert Hi! My Name is: Laura Hi! My Name is: Anne (9 row(s) affected)
You can see from the output that there are two columns being displayed. The first column has the words, Hi! My name is: for every row in the Employees table. The second column contains the first name of each employee. Adding these strings to your SQL enables you to produce more readable output. In fact, you will see in the next section how you can manipulate strings even further using operators and functions.
Using Operators
All programming languages, including T-SQL, contain a set of operators that enable you to specify an action to be performed on one or more expressions. These operators fall into several different categories, which are listed in Table 3.4.
Table 3.4 Available Operators in T-SQL
Category |
Operator |
Description |
Arithmetic |
+ (Add) |
Addition. |
- (Subtract) |
Subtraction. |
* (Multiply) |
Multiplication. |
/ (Divide) |
Division. |
% (Modulo) |
Returns the integer remainder of a division. |
Bitwise |
& |
Bitwise AND. |
| |
Bitwise OR. |
^ |
Bitwise exclusive OR. |
Comparison |
= |
Equal to. |
> |
Greater than. |
< |
Less than. |
>+ |
Greater than or equal to. |
<= |
Less than or equal to. |
<> |
Not equal to. |
Logical |
Tests for the truth of some specified condition. All the logical operators return a Boolean data type with a value of TRUE or FALSE. These operators are ALL, AND, ANY, BETWEEN, EXISTS, IN, LIKE, NOT, OR, and SOME. |
Unary |
+ (Positive) |
Positive number. |
- (Negative) |
Negative number. |
~ (Bitwise NOT) |
Returns the ones complement of the number. |
Assignment |
= (Equal sign) |
Used to assign a value to a variable. |
String Concatenation |
+ (Concatenation) |
Appends two strings together to form one string. |
In the next section, you will see how to manipulate the columns you request in a SQL statement.
Using the Addition Operator
If we want to add two or more numbers together, we can use the addition sign. This will add the numbers together and display the single result as shown in the following example:
use northwind select UnitPrice, Discount, UnitPrice + Discount as Total from "order details"
UnitPrice Discount Total --------------------- ------------------------ --------- 14.0000 0.0 14.0 9.8000 0.0 9.8000002 34.8000 0.0 34.799999 42.4000 0.15000001 42.550003 16.8000 0.15000001 16.949999 16.8000 0.0 16.799999
Note - You can see how using an alias here helps to make the output more readable.
You can use any of the arithmetic operators in this fashion.
What about string values? If you want to add two or more strings together, you can use the addition operator for this as well. When used between two strings, the addition operator enables you to concatenate the strings (that is, to add the second string on to the end of the first). This functionality gives you the ability to create new strings using the data in multiple columns.
This next example requires both the string and the first name from the database table to appear as the column called Introduction. To make the output pretty, you have to add an extra space in the constant string. Otherwise, the first names of all the employees will be pushed up against the word is.
use northwind select 'Hello, my name is ' + firstname as Introduction from employees
Introduction ---------------------------- Hello, my name is Nancy Hello, my name is Andrew Hello, my name is Janet Hello, my name is Margaret Hello, my name is Steven Hello, my name is Michael Hello, my name is Robert Hello, my name is Laura Hello, my name is Anne (9 row(s) affected)
Although this looks a lot like the example using string constants earlier in this section, in this query we retrieved the static string plus the data in a single column instead of two columns. Then we used the + sign to concatenate the strings.
Manipulating Multiple Columns and Using Constants
Besides adding a constant to one column value, you can use constants to manipulate multiple columns to display information in standard format styles. A common example of this is when you need to print usernames. In the Employees table, the first name is stored in the FirstName column and the last name in LastName. Suppose that you wanted a list of employee names, listed with last name first, first name last, and separated by a comma. You also want to call this column Employee Names. The following example shows how to perform this request:
use northwind select lastname + ', ' + firstname as 'Employee Names' from employees Order by "employee names"
Employee Names -------------------------------- Buchanan, Steven Callahan, Laura Davolio, Nancy Dodsworth, Anne Fuller, Andrew King, Robert Leverling, Janet Peacock, Margaret Suyama, Michael (9 row(s) affected)
Using the + operator with strings enables you to put multiple columns and constants together in a single column of the result set. I used an alias to name the column, and then I used the alias in the ORDER BY clause.
Tip - I could have sorted this last example by using the original column names as shown:
use northwind select lastname + ', ' + firstname as 'Employee Names' from employeesOrder by lastname, firstnameWhen you ask for an ordering to occur on a calculated result, such as the concatenated string, the server first builds the result set and then sorts it.
Using Functions
You have briefly used a couple of functions in yesterday's lesson on filtering dates. In this next section, you will learn about the different types of functions available to you in SQL Server 2000. There are four types of built-in functions that you can use in T-SQL. The types of functions are
I will provide an example of each of these functions in the next section. Niladic functions work exclusively with the INSERT statement, which will be covered on Day 7, "Adding, Changing, and Deleting Rows." They include functions such as CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() to insert the current date and time automatically.
Note - Whenever a function is performed on a column, the server cannot use an index to resolve a query based on that column. To answer your query in the least amount of time, the server must act based on information available to it before the query runs. Because a function will take some action on a column, the server can't know what the data will be until after the query runs. Using functions in the SELECT list is okay, but using them in the WHERE clause can cause performance problems.
The purpose of this section is to provide you with a list of examples in order to understand how each set of functions are used in real-world situations. In each of the following groups, you will see how to use several of the more useful functions available. Remember that there are more functions than what I will cover in this section.
Note - As you work with these functions, remember that you can use them with columns you are retrieving, or you can use them in the WHERE clause to modify the data you are comparing.
Using String Functions
String functions enable you to manipulate character data from the database. These functions perform an operation on a string value and then return either a string or numeric value, depending on the type of function being used.
These two functions are the direct opposites of each other. The UPPER() function will return a character expression with any lowercase characters converted to uppercase. The LOWER() function will return a character expression with any uppercase characters converted to lowercase. The following example shows how to use the UPPER() function. Remember that the syntax for the LOWER() function is exactly the same.
use northwind select firstname, upper(firstname) as "All Caps" from employees where lastname = 'Fuller'
firstname All Caps ---------- ---------- Andrew ANDREW (1 row(s) affected)
The SUBSTRING() function enables you to extract a string from anywhere in a larger string, whereas the RIGHT() function returns a string from the end of another string. There is no LEFT() function. Both functions are useful for manipulating strings in columns where several fields have been concatenated into a single column. Although this is a bad database design practice, this type of data often occurs in the real world.
Suppose that you have a table of product information where a column contains a combination of two unique values, as we can see in the title_id column in the titles table of the pubs database. The first two positions in the column represent the book type and the rest of the column represents the unique book number. You might need to separate these values out in order to work with them independently. To do this, you could use the SUBSTRING() or RIGHT() function as shown in the following example:
use pubs select title_id, type, substring(title_id,1,2) as Book_Type_Code from titles
title_id type Book_Type_Code -------- ------------ -------------- BU1032 business BU BU1111 business BU BU2075 business BU BU7832 business BU MC2222 mod_cook MC MC3021 mod_cook MC MC3026 UNDECIDED MC PC1035 popular_comp PC PC8888 popular_comp PC PC9999 popular_comp PC PS1372 psychology PS PS2091 psychology PS PS2106 psychology PS PS3333 psychology PS PS7777 psychology PS TC3218 trad_cook TC TC4203 trad_cook TC TC7777 trad_cook TC (18 row(s) affected)
SUBSTRING() takes three arguments: the source string, where to start (1 is the first character), and how many characters to take. The RIGHT() function takes two arguments: the source string and how many characters to take. The syntax for each follows:
SUBSTRING(source, start, length) RIGHT(source, start)
These two functions trim any extra blanks off the beginning of a string (LTRIM) or the end of a string (RTRIM). There is no function that performs both at the same time. However, you can nest functions, so that if I were inserting some data into a table, and that data included blanks at both the beginning and end, I could trim off the extra blanks.
This example doesn't insert anything into the database table (that is covered in Day 7). Instead, this is how you might trim the blanks off the front and back of a column at the same time:
Select ltrim(rtrim(title)) From Titles
Both of these functions accept a single parameter, which is the string to be trimmed.
The STR() function will convert numeric data into string data. There is no VAL() function to convert strings to numbers as you might have seen in Visual Basic, but the generic CONVERT() function will accomplish both goals. The STR() function accepts three parameters: source number, length of the new string to be created, and number of digits to the right of the decimal. The following example shows how to use this function:
use pubs select 'The price is ' + str(price, 6,3) from titles
------------------- The price is 19.990 The price is 11.950 The price is 2.990 ... The price is 7.990 The price is 20.950 The price is 11.950 The price is 14.990 (18 row(s) affected)
Caution - If you try to execute the preceding SQL query without using the STR function, you will receive the following error from the server:
Server: Msg 260, Level 16, State 1, Line 2 Disallowed implicit conversion from data type varchar to data type money, table 'pubs.dbo.titles', column 'price'.Use the CONVERT function to run this query.As you can see from the message, the server is telling you to use the CONVERT() function instead of the STR() function. The CONVERT() function will convert numeric data to a string, but it won't add insignificant zeroes or line up all the decimal points.
The syntax for the STR() function is
STR(<source number>, [length of output], [scale])
The STR() function is useful for converting numeric data in a way that looks good when displayed.
ASCII() and CHAR()
These functions convert a single character into its ASCII code or an ASCII code into its character. If you pass more than one character to the ASCII function, it will return the code for only the first letter. The following example shows both the ASCII() and CHAR() functions in one query:
select ascii('B'), char(66)----------- ---- 66 B (1 row(s) affected)
The CHAR() function can be useful for inserting keycodes that cannot be easily typed in, such as the Tab and CR/LF codes.
PATINDEX() returns the first occurrence of a string inside a larger string. You can use this function to search a BLOB text field. Wildcards are available for use in the pattern field. CHARINDEX() works the same way, but wildcard characters are not permitted, and it cannot be used to search text types.
The titles table contains the text field notes. The query that follows will search for books that have a note containing the word Computer in it, and return the character position where that word appears.
select title_id, patindex('%Computer%', notes) as 'Starts at' from titles where patindex('%Computer%', notes) <> 0
title_id Starts at -------- ----------- BU7832 28 PC8888 45 PC9999 17 PS1372 94 PS7777 97 (5 row(s) affected)
As you can see, the PATINDEX() function was used in two places in the query. The use in the WHERE clause searches through all the text data looking for the word Computer. If a match is found, the title ID is returned along with the starting position of the word. The syntax for both of these functions is the same:
PATINDEX(<pattern>, <source string>) CHARINDEX(<pattern>, <source string>)
The CAST and CONVERT Functions
To combine columns and constants, they must be of the same underlying data type. The server will convert varchar and char columns without your help. However, if you tried a query where you wanted a numeric and character type in the same column, you would have a problem, as shown in the following example:
use pubs select title_id + ' is priced at $' + price from titles
Server: Msg 260, Level 16, State 1, Line 2 Disallowed implicit conversion from data type varchar to data type money, table 'pubs.dbo.titles', column 'price'. Use the CONVERT function to run this query.
To overcome this, as the error message suggests, you must use the CONVERT function. There are actually two functions that you could use: the CONVERT() and CAST() functions. These functions provide similar functionality in T-SQL.
The CAST() function will change the data type of the expression being passed to it. It will not allow you to specify the style or length of the new expression. The syntax for the CAST() function is
CAST (expression AS data_type)
The CONVERT() function, besides allowing you to specify the new data type as the CAST() function does, also enables you to specify the length and style of the new expression.
Both functions are useful for many more applications than the example. You can also convert character data to numeric data for use in mathematical calculations. To perform the concatenation in the current example, you must convert the price column (datatype money) into a variable character format:
use pubs select title_id + ' is priced at $' + convert(varchar(10), price) from titles
------------------------------- BU1032 is priced at $19.99 BU1111 is priced at $11.95 BU2075 is priced at $2.99 ... TC3218 is priced at $20.95 TC4203 is priced at $11.95 TC7777 is priced at $14.99 (18 row(s) affected)
In this example, I converted the price column, containing small money data, into a variable character. When a data type is converted to a variable character, the length of the resulting string is only as long as it needs to be, up to the maximum specified in the function call. In this case, I asked for a varchar(10). So, if the price were 132.55, the converted varchar string would be exactly six characters long.
However, if I had converted the price to a fixed-length character string (a char(10)), the total string length would have been the maximum size of 10 characters no matter how many characters were needed. The data is left justified, and spaces are added on the end to round out the remainder of the field.
In either case, if the price data were too large to fit in the maximum length, the server would place an asterisk in the character field to indicate that it didn't have enough room to convert the data. If you convert a long string to a shorter string, the data is truncated, meaning that only as much of the string as fits in the new length will be converted; the rest is thrown away.
Note - If you do not specify a length for data types, such as char and varchar fields, the server will default to the data type specific value. In the case of char and varchar types, this default is 30 characters.
In addition to converting data types, the CONVERT() function also helps you format date fields in several different ways. By default, when you select a datetime value, the output would be displayed as
Oct 6 2000 3:00PM
As you know, datetime values are stored out to the millisecond. This presents you with some pretty ugly output. The CONVERT() function can be used to request some alternative date formats. When using the CONVERT() to format the datetime values, you should always convert the data to a char or varchar data type. Table 3.5 summarizes the different date formats that are usable with the CONVERT() function.
Table 3.5 Date Formats Available with CONVERT()
Code |
Description |
0 |
(default style) mon dd yyyy hh:mmAM |
1 |
mm/dd/yy |
2 | |
3 |
dd/mm/yy |
4 | |
5 |
dd-mm-yy |
6 |
dd mon yy |
7 |
mon dd, yy |
8 |
hh:mm:ss |
9 |
mon dd yyyy hh:mm:ss:mmmAM |
10 |
mm-dd-yy |
11 |
yy/mm/dd |
12 |
yymmdd |
13 |
dd mon yyyy hh:mm:ss:mmmm (military time) |
14 |
hh:mm:ss:mmm (military time) |
Tip - These codes display the year without a century prefix. To get a century prefix, add 100 to the code. Note that styles 9 and 13 always provide a four-digit year.
Other String Functions
Other string functions are available for you to use in T-SQL; I have listed them in Table 3.6 as a reference.
Table 3.6 Other Available String Functions
Function |
Description |
SPACE(<int>) |
Returns a string of n spaces. |
REVERSE(<source string>) |
Reverses the source string (that is, "Ben" becomes "neB"). Not sure what you would use this for. |
REPLICATE(<pattern>,<int>) |
Returns a string with the pattern repeated n times. |
SOUNDEX(<source string>) |
Returns a four-digit soundex code to represent the phonemes in the source string. This function would probably be used when searching for a string that sounds like..., as in a case when you are looking for a phone number. If you wanted to find the number for someone named Smith, the soundex code would match for the following names: Smythe, Smyth, Sumith, and Smith. The function knocks out any vowels in the string and uses the first letter to form its code. |
DIFFERENCE(<char1>,<char2>) |
Evaluates the soundex difference between char1 and char2 on a scale of 0 to 4, where 4 is an exact match and 0 is a complete mismatch. |
Using Arithmetic Functions
Most math functions are used in very specific applications having something to do with engineering. However, there are times when you might need to use one in some more standard application areas. What follows is an accounting example. The function being used is
SIGN(numeric) -Returns 1 if the number is positive, 0 if 0, and 1 if the number is negative.
In this example, you have a table with two columns in it: CustID and InvAmt. The InvAmt column contains negative values for the amounts that you owe (credits) and positive values for amounts that are owed to you (debits). This query will display a report with four columns, labeled CustID, Debit, Credit, and Invoice Amount.
select CustID, InvAmt * ($0.5 *(sign(InvAmt) + 1)) as 'Debit', InvAmt * ($0.5 *(sign(InvAmt) - 1)) as 'Credit', InvAmt from invoice
Note - This example uses a table that I have in my personal database; it will not work on a standard installation of SQL Server 2000.
CustID Debit Credit InvAmt ------ ---------------- ----------------- -------- 1 0.00 500.00 -500.00 1 0.00 250.00 -250.00 2 75.00 0.00 75.00 3 35.00 35.00 35.00
This query uses some math functions to arrive at a clever answer to the problem of identifying which values are debits and which are credits.
Let's start from the inside out. First, get the sign of the data. For the Debit column, I want data that is positive. So, take the sign and add 1 to it. Positive values go to 2, negative values to 0, and zeroes to 1.
Now, multiply the result by .5. By using .5, the server thinks I want a float result, but if I multiply by 50 cents, the data type remains a smallmoney. Positive numbers go back to 1 (2*.5=1). Negative numbers go to zero because zero times anything is zero and zeroes go to zero (1 * .5 = 0). Now, multiply this product by the data. Only positive numbers retain a non-zero value.
In the Credit column, we start off the same way. This time, we are subtracting 1 from the sign. If you follow the logic through, this means only negative numbers retain a non-zero value.
Using Date Functions
Only nine date functions are available in T-SQL. Table 3.7 lists each of them along with a description.
Table 3.7 Date Functions
Function |
Description |
DateAdd |
Adds a specified number of dateparts to the date |
DateDiff |
Calculates the difference between two dates |
DatePart |
Extracts the specified datepart from the date |
DateName |
Returns a part of the date as a string |
Day |
Returns the day number of the date |
GetDate |
Returns the current date and time of the computer |
Month |
Returns the month number of the date |
Year |
Returns the year of the date |
GetUTCDate |
Returns the current UTC (universal time, GMT) date and time |
The first four date functions in Table 3.7 take an argument (the first argument) to tell it on what part of the date to operate. Table 3.8 shows the different date parts available for use in the date functions.
Table 3.8 Datepart Codes Used in Date Functions
Name |
Usage |
Sample Values |
Year |
yy |
1999 |
Quarter |
1, 2, 3, 4 |
Month |
mm |
112 |
Day of year |
dy |
1365 (366 in leap years) |
Day |
dd |
131 |
Week |
wk |
153 |
Weekday |
dw |
17, where Sunday is 1 |
Hour |
hh |
023, midnight is 0 |
Minute |
mi |
059 |
Second |
ss |
059 |
Millisecond |
ms |
0999 |
Refer to this table if you have any questions about these codes while you are working with the examples in this section. When providing arguments to these functions, do not use quotation marks around the datepart codes, but if you are specifying a constant date, use quotation marks around the codes.
This is one function that you will find yourself using quite often, in many different applications. The GETDATE() function returns the current date and time as a datetime value. The following example shows only one of the many uses of this function:
Select GETDATE()
----------------------- 2000-10-06 20:48:10.500
This function is most often used in stored procedures and triggers to test the validity of an operation. For example, an inserted row might be checked to see whether a due date is five days from now or if it has passed.
To get the date that is 30 days from today, you would first need to use the GETDATE() function to get today's date. You would then use DATEADD() to add the 30 days. The function would then return the date that is 30 days later. The syntax of the functions is
DATEADD(<datepart>, <increment>, <source>)
The example shown adds 30 days to today.
Select Dateadd(dd,30,getdate())
Note - You should note the use of the dd as the datepart to request that the addition be done in days. If you used mm accidentally, you would have added 30 months to today instead.
----------------------- 2000-11-05 20:53:44.670 (1 row(s) affected)
Note - The DATEADD() function takes into account the different days in a month and even a leap year when doing its calculations.
This function calculates the difference between date1 and date2, based on the datepart specified. The syntax of this function is
DATEDIFF(<datepart>, <date1>, <date2>)
The following example shows the difference between today and New Year's Eve:
Select getdate(), datediff(dd, getdate(), '12/31/2000')
-------------------------- -- 2000-10-06 20:58:03.483 86 (1 row(s) affected)
If the second date is earlier than the first date, you will receive a negative number as the result.
The DATEPART() function returns an integer that represents a specified datepart of the source date. The following query sums the total number of books sold in June, regardless of the year:
use pubs select sum(qty) as 'June Sales' from sales where datepart(mm,ord_date) = 6
June Sales ----------- 80 (1 row(s) affected)
This function works the same way as the DATEPART() function, except that it returns a string instead of an integer. It is most useful when you need to get the days of the week or months of the year. The following example shows how to get the day of the week from today's date:
Select 'Today is ' + datename(dw, getdate()) + '.'
---------------- Today is Friday.
The GETUTCDATE() function returns the datetime value representing the current UTC time (Universal Time Coordinate or Greenwich mean time). The current UTC time is derived from the current local time and the time zone setting in the operating system of the computer on which SQL Server is running. The example shows the current time and the corresponding UTC time.
Select getdate() as 'Today', getutcdate() as 'UTC'
Today UTC --------------------------- ----------------------- 2000-10-06 21:10:51.067 2000-10-07 01:10:51.067
These three functions return an integer that represents the day, month, or year part of a specified date. The following example shows all three functions at once:
SELECT DAY(getdate()) as 'day', MONTH(getdate()) as 'month', YEAR(getdate()) as 'year'
day month year ----------- ----------- ----------- 6 10 2000 (1 row(s) affected)
Using the CASE Statement
The last topic we will discuss today is the CASE statement. The CASE expression provides great performance and allows me to design very fast SQL code. The CASE expression compares a specified column in the SELECT statement against a list of possibilities and returns different results depending on which WHEN expression in the CASE statement is matched.
There are two ways that you can use the CASE keyword. The first way is the simplest; it enables you to take different actions against the same expression. The second method, which is called a searched CASE expression, enables you to specify a Boolean expression and to take actions on that expression depending on whether it is true or false.
The syntax for the CASE statement is as follows:
CASE input_expression WHEN when_expression THEN result_expression [...n] [ ELSE else_result_expression ] END
Using a Simple CASE Statement
A simple CASE statement uses a single column in the CASE and returns an expression based on the contents in the column. The following example uses the CASE function to alter the display of book categories to make them more understandable:
use pubs SELECT Category = CASE type WHEN 'popular_comp' THEN 'Popular Computing' WHEN 'mod_cook' THEN 'Modern Cooking' WHEN 'business' THEN 'Business' WHEN 'psychology' THEN 'Psychology' WHEN 'trad_cook' THEN 'Traditional Cooking' ELSE 'Not yet categorized' END, CAST(title AS varchar(25)) AS 'Shortened Title', price AS Price FROM titles WHERE price IS NOT NULL ORDER BY type, price
Category Shortened Title Price ------------------- ------------------------- --------------------- Business You Can Combat Computer S 2.9900 Business Cooking with Computers: S 11.9500 Business The Busy Executive's Data 19.9900 Business Straight Talk About Compu 19.9900 Modern Cooking The Gourmet Microwave 2.9900 ... Psychology Computer Phobic AND Non-P 21.5900 Traditional Cooking Fifty Years in Buckingham 11.9500 Traditional Cooking Sushi, Anyone? 14.9900 Traditional Cooking Onions, Leeks, and Garlic 20.9500 (16 row(s) affected)
The CASE expression takes the place of a single column in an otherwise quite ordinary query. For each row in the titles table, the CASE expression is evaluated. The order of the WHEN expressions is significant: If a row satisfies the Boolean WHEN expression, the code following the WHEN's THEN clause is performed, and the next row is evaluated. If the row matches none of the WHEN clauses, the ELSE is evaluated.
The CASE expression has five keywords associated with it: The CASE keyword starts the statement; WHEN presents the Boolean expression to test; THEN precedes the expression return value that the CASE expression represents for a particular row; ELSE gives an expression that is returned when none of the WHEN conditions is true; the END keyword marks the end of the CASE statement. After a CASE statement satisfies an expression, the remaining CASE statements in the grouping are skipped.
Using a Searched CASE Statement
This type of CASE statement is basically the same as the simple CASE, except that the WHEN expression contains a complete Boolean expression as shown in the following example:
use pubs select lname, job_lvl, case when job_lvl<100 then 'Dear Fellow Worker' when job_lvl<200 then 'Dear Honored Guest' else 'Dear Executive' end as 'Greeting' from employee order by Greeting, lname
As you can see, the WHEN keyword is followed by a Boolean expression which includes a column name, operator, and value to be tested.